
From Lugano to La Jolla....what a remarkable amalgam of ideas, insights, and perspectives. Welcome to this site. Mr. Izsa (TASIS) and Mrs. Shaul (LJCDS) invite you to join us in our conversations about the history and the realities of America's history and culture--from a decidedly international perspective.

Each month a new series of questions will be posted here by Mr. Izsa and Mrs. Shaul. Please click on the blog posts and write in your comments for the questions below, per your teacher's instructions.

Please make certain that entries are thoughtfully written (check for typos and grammatical faux pas), as erudite as you can make them, and appropriately worded for a school-related activity (note: students from other parts of the world may not share your same philosophies or your same sense of humor, so please be mindful of our differences).

With every blog session assigned, one or two can be direct responses to the questions, but at least one MUST respond directly to the students who have already written posts, answering one thread per question (more is welcome, this is the minimum requirement).Be specific. Explain why you might agree or disagree with their (his/her) opinions. Feel free to "debate" or "discuss" with your international counterpart. Make sure we can identify you with your name so you can receive credit for your contributions.

Monday, October 6, 2014

October Question #1

Consider what you've studied about the creation of the earliest colonies.  It is rather amazing that the religious focus of some colonies (Massachusetts) and the economic focus of other colonies (Virginia) eventually came together into one country.  With that in mind, consider which influences the United States more today: religion/morals or the pursuit of economic prosperity?


  1. It is very hard to tell which of these influences the United States more in the 21st century. Since we have more access to scientific studies and information many people are not that religious anymore so I think that economic prosperity is what influences America the most today. It is true however that politicians, big companies, and support services use religion as a way to persuade and comfort the community. Given with the very common maxims such as "God bless America" and to solemnly swear to tell the truth in court. The idea that there is a superior being deciding our fate, and keeping a watch over our good and wrong doings makes humans feel safe because it is a good theory for something that is unknown to us. Politicians and companies use religious inferences to sell an idea, and gaining some kind of profit by doing so. Therefore I think that the average American, just like many others in the world, live to make money in order to be happy. Whereas in the 1600s at a colony like Massachusetts, families would live in order to serve God, and then concentrate on making sufficient money to survive. With the population growth and technology advances developing each decade, I believe that money has really prioritized his way into the human life and made us become very dependent on it to live.

    Isabela Riechert

    1. I agree! I think as time has evolved, economic prosperity has become a resource for happiness. I feel it's human nature to do so; it's like giving a 4 year old kid a few dollars. It may only be a few dollars, but parents and friends continue to do so because it brings joy and happiness to the child. The child may not be able to buy anything more than some candy, but the idea of being in possession of money is a powerful thing. The same concept applies to this situation, yet on a larger scale. And yes, I do agree with Isabela when she talks about religion being commonly used in places like the supreme court and the pledge of allegiance. People of other religions may pay no mind to religious uses in everyday life, but I think it has become second nature that they may not see it as a big deal.

      Mai-Loni Henson, California

  2. Nowadays, we can clearly see that the United States is the World's most influential country. America is what it is today mainly because of the colonists's purpose of getting richer by setting new places with jobs opportunities and the search of gold. So now, America has a strong economic system that controls many others parts of the World. People, banks and the government are getting richer every day (even after the big crashes) because they all had an influence of the colonists's economics ideas and goals.

    1. I totally agree with what Paula said. However, I also think that Americans don't want to lose their religious aspects and beliefs while they are trying to keep up with their economic system. I feel that it is as important. I see so many people go to church or respect special religious events. I also hear a lot of people say "God bless America". For me, they are big clues that show how religion is still important.

      Mathilde Oberlé

  3. It is known that America had been influenced by both religious and economical values while building up in the past. However, the past is not now, and therefore the morals of the United States have changed from that of the past. In my opinion, the 21st century United States is more influenced by the morals of economic prosperity than religion. Infact, America is the world’s largest national economy. Some parts of America is also influenced by religion, but the majority is influenced by the morals of economical prosperity. Sometimes, the religious values are also used in favor of economical prosperity; to advertise products, to attract religious individuals.. To sum up, even though there are signs of religious influence in the United States, usually it is used in favor of the economical prosperity. It is obvious that the United States is more influenced by economical prosperity.

  4. In the past, around 1600, some colonies like Massachusetts were more likely to put the religion over everything. On the other hand, there were also colonies like Virgina that were focused principally on economy. From that period to now the way of thinking of the population changed a lot. As the year passed, people started to care much more on economy, on making money, than on religion. This happened because of the development in technology, the rivalry between nation and because of science progress. Moreover, in our days the United States is one of the most powerful nation based on economic prosperity more than on religion. As a matter of facts, one of the symbol of the US is Wall Street, which is associates nowadays to the center of global economy.

    Cristiano Battista

    1. I agree with Cristiano that the way of thinking on population changed a lot compared to the 1600's. However, I still think that religion is as important as the economy in the United States. I feel like more people take the important religious days more seriously than in other countries for example. There are a lot of different forms of religions, churches, monuments that tie Americans to their religious history and beliefs even though they might not talk about it or show it to people all the time.

      Mathilde Oberlé

    2. I completely agree with when you say that economy has become more important because of the development in technology. Newer technology requires more money for research and resource to better the product. The government pays billions of dollars in order to better an idea, ranging from education to machinery that can help people even learn better. This idea shows up in toys that can help children learn easier and quicker and even in video games. The technology becomes more enhanced, therefore requiring more money to support the efforts.

      Mai-Loni Henson, California

  5. In the past years, when the United States were different colonies, were also subdivided in two principals way of living. Based on religion, such as the colony of Massachusetts, and build on economic focus for colonies such as Virginia. It’s very not credible that now the United States are all one country and predominates the factor of economic focus rather then the religion focus. The united states have become one of the most powerful country in the world because of its high economy prosperity. While United States overshadows mostly all of the economy main points of the world such as: Wall Street and the Military powers. Overall, the United States are also filled up with the biggest companies, such as: Apple, Coca Cola, Youtube, Facebook, and the biggest ExxonMobil. In conclusion, nowadays, The U.S. are more centralized in the Economy prosperity rather then the Religion focus.

    Tommaso Dominici (Italy)

  6. Amidst the dark unsurity of the times, our nation rose up from religion, and economic adventure. I believe that despite our religious roots, the American people, generally, have transitioned from the 'pursuit of happiness' to the pursuit of wealthiness. The ironic thing is that despite the religious beginnings of the north, I find that it is the south nowadays that is most influenced by religion. This is where huge block churches the size of palaces can be found, while the north is too busy sponsoring oversized industrial areas. I think the presence of religious national values have changed even within the last ten years. In efforts to become more international, and religiously friendly, the United States has dropped what it once believed to rely on. I remember this distinct difference from since I went to elementary school. Up until the age of 10, I was required each morning at 8:15 to stand up, put my right hand over my heart, and recite The Pledge of Allegiance. "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.". I recited this pledge around 1200 times (at least once a day from nursery 3's until 5th grade 150 days a year). Recently, the required recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance has been banned from schools. I believe that despite our nation's religious roots, whether for the good or the bad of the country, have been hidden to please such a versatile and broad thinking population.

    Molly Hercules
    United States

  7. Even though the US has emerged from a diversity of principles, today, the whole country is focused on economics resources and business. Of course, we are not to judge, since that is the mentality of every modern nation. It is truth that it has been the motivation of the first southern colonists, but the idea of being economic successful and becoming a world potency, expanded to all colonies and the territory that would later be part os America. As this principle grew, the religious thought and beliefs became not non existing, but less important than money.

    1. I completely agree! The United States focuses on its business (trading) and other economic resources. Without these things, the country would no be as successful as it is today. In addition, I also agree that some colonists came with the idea of becoming successful and one of the ways to gain success is to have economic prosperity. Furthermore, I conquer that religious thought and other beliefs do not cease to exist today, but create less of an influence than before.

    2. I really enjoyed how you said that the focus on economics, resources, and business is the "mentality of every modern nation". I also agree with your ideas of religion in the United States. I believe that religion is not completely separated from the American government but it is true that it holds a lesser influence and importance than economics and money.

  8. Sofiana Safi

    The United States consider as the most powerful country the world because of achievements of the colonists, and their works. According to the US history and some colonists accomplished their goals by religious and government and some by economic and government. Such as; the Jamestown settlement, Plymouth Pennsylvania. They tried hard to do something for their people and their government. However, in my point of view the United States as the most powerful country in the world because of education, finance, politics, strategies,entertainments, lifestyle and the most important in this century economy and the technologies they use to perpetuate best economic system in the world.religion is also part of the improvement but not as it was during the colonization period, but still they focus on it.

  9. We know that the founders of the New England colonies had an entirely different mission from the Jamestown settlers. Although economic prosperity was still a goal of the New England settlers, their true goal was spiritual, but after they came together into one country, the country is mostly focused on economic prosperity. For example, nowadays the country has the largest and most influential financial market in the world.

    Victória - Brazil

  10. Economic prosperity has always been the most desirable goal of all the countries in the world. The religion is only the way to persuade people to work together and appreciate what they have, even if they have miserable lives. When the British first settled in America, they wanted to start a country with a strong economy and a strong religion. Unfortunately, in the 21st century, in the United States economic prosperity is the goal that its citizens are persuading, and religion is only a way to distract them from other important concerns. Of course, there are many people who actually devote themselves to religion and live the rightful way, but in general, religion is not the main influence in the United States.

  11. The United States is one of the most powerful countries in the world today. I believe that economic prosperity is what influences the country the most today. Back then in the colonies, religion was their primary thing (Massachusetts), and money was their main focus (Virginia). Now a days, since technology has taken a big part of the world, economic prosperity is the biggest influence since everybody is into their business and work to make a living. Now, they dont take religion as a primary thing since religion can be practiced after their work; and technology has also been a main factor why religion is not now a primary influence. The United States has a very developed government, which benefits many other countries with their help economically etc. This is a big reason why now economic prosperity is the primary influence for the US.

    Isabella C- Guatemala

  12. Obviously, the US became much more interested in economic prosperity than in religion and beliefs, at least since it became a global leading country and economy. Religious thinking and acting fell to second place as the country grew stronger and richer throught the years. It is posisble to notice that by seeing which of these is more present in the American everyday. We can see most citizens working and spending their time focusing in getting money instead of pursuiting religious and mental growth. That is more similar to the Virginia colony of the 17'th century than to the Massachusetts one, which focused on survival and praying, in order to achieve a greater closeness to God.

  13. Now a days, considering the changes and progress that the early colonies affected the USA, I think that the country has it's economical pursuits advanced and progressed more than its religios morals. The country now a days, aims for a goal, higher than religion, especially when considering United States one of the world's biggest influence, or superpower. Of corse religion has it's flaws and its complications, that end up affecting the United States as a whole when we look at a more wide point of view. But yet, it's not what they aim for now a days.

  14. The United States was influenced by both religion and economics prosperity in the past. However, as the time gone by religion was not as important as it used to be, I think The United States is influenced more by the economics prosperity today. The econoics prosperity has always been one of the most important achievement for individual or a country because you can't do anything without money. On the other hand, religion can only support you mentally which cannot help you when you starve. Therefore, the economics prosperity becomes more important for most of the countries, including The United States.
    Michele- Taiwan

  15. In the days of the colonists, the north and the south had extremely different views and priorities. Nowadays it is evident in both visual and statistical data that America runs on money(or dunkin).Althought religion is still a major part of everyday life of the majority of americans, American is all centered around money and their economic dependency.But America isn't the only one to have changed from what it once was, almost every modern nation are focused on being economically independent while very few are still concerned about being religiously free.

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  18. Despite being connected to the roots of colonialism in America, religion's influence slowly deteriorated throughout the course of time in most societies. This is due to the fact that man sought to explain nature with his newly found interest in science instead of God and as nations progressed their interest in religion dwarfed in comparison to economic and militaristic supremacy. As a result religion became a practice instead of the focus of most people's lives, this is due to the fact that most nations are prone to succeed without religion instead of a strong economy and military. The US is a shinning example of a nation that lost its interest in religion without necessarily neglecting it and ever since it's involvement in the first world war it has been considered a world superpower. However religion still plays an important role in most states and is widely practiced but instead of forcing people to accept a belief as the undeniable truth, liberty promotes the ability for societies and their values to progress naturally instead of forcefully holding onto a belief that stops the advancement of a nation


  19. Some of the first British colonies settled in the Americas with the hope of practicing their religion freely ( Massachussetts) and the others settled in the Americas for earning some money by finding gold (Virginia). However today, the United States is more influenced by the economic prosperity. As a result of the well developed science and technology , nowaday many people don’t even believe in religion and God because science has an explonation for almost everything. Furthermore, it is possible to see many different bussinesses. Additionally, America owns the biggest stock markets and componies. In fact, America is among the richest countries.

  20. Though the U.S. government separates itself from religion in hopes of appeasing everyone and pursuing economic growth, it is truly impossible to have a democracy free from the morals and beliefs of individuals. A democracy is governed by the public, and the popular opinion of that public. The U.S. was founded on the idea that every citizen is granted the right to pursue his or her values: spiritual; economic; political; and/or moral. And so the U.S. is not influenced in just one way, but progressing in every direction that it's individuals choose to.

    1. This is a great way to look at the question from a different perspective. I like your idea that democracy is key in the government of the United States and that the people decide what influences the country. I completely agree with everything stated in this post. Great job!

  21. I think it's pretty clear that the U.S. regards religion in some places as an absurdly important part of life. This could be blamed on the fact that the earliest immigrants towards the U.S. were religious people being persecuted for their extreme dedication to that religion. The U.S. government says that there is a separation of church and state, but even then any one person running as a candidate for any position will have a very low chance to appealing to a majority of the voters if he were to announce that he is atheist or has different religious views than the people.
    That being said, religion has a ridiculously high impact on politics, economics and mostly society itself.

    1. I agree. The idea that church and state are two separate entities is far from correct. With the amount of laws we have that are affected by religion (gay marriage, abortions etc) you would think our country had a national religion... but we don't and this is why the USA being called the freedom country is such a faulty statement, because we have freedom but only when you fit into a pre-described box.

  22. The United States, overtime, has become the powerhouse of freedom. Different people from all over the world migrate to our country, in hopes of living a better life. They have more freedom to believe in what they want, say what they want, and even reject what they want, under some circumstances. Because of the variety of cultures that have blended into the original American society, religion has not been a major factor. Economic prosperity has supported different organizations that may even supply for their religious beliefs, yet those religions rely on money to expand their beliefs. Money has always been a major factor in the spreading of religion and has become even more important considering technological development. Money has been the root of all expansion and has expanded its importance over religion.

    Mai-Loni Henson, California

  23. The United States is a huge mix. I think the answer to this question would depend on who your asking it to and what region they are from. People in the "Bible Belt" for instance would more than likely answer that religion influences Americans the most whereas people in say New York City might say that American society is driven by the goal for economic prosperity. In colonial days i think religion was the main focus but i think as people started to gain this feeling of independence they strove for more personal levels of accomplishment, and thats when the goal for economic prosperity started kicking in. I think nowadays, overall, people are striving for prosperity, not just economically but also in many other ways. I think the need to prosper (not just economically) influences Americans more.

  24. Religion has always been a huge influence in all cultures. In my opinion, religion has caused more harm than good. It has caused wars, mass hysteria(as seen in the Salem Witch trials), genocides, and much more. However, as time passes, and more scientific knowledge comes into light, religion is becoming less prevalent in the United States. This is why I believe that today, the pursuit of economic prosperity has a bigger influence than religion. It is human nature for one to want things. Today, in order to get the things one wants, everything requires money. Therefore, one works hard to try and obtain economic prosperity to pay for things that one wants. In addition, I find that quite a bit of people in the United States crave the feeling of superiority over their peers. Economic prosperity is one way people can distinguish themselves from their peers and everyone else. Economic prosperity comes with many advantages. Many Americans are driven and determined people. They want the best for themselves and their families. Therefore, in present day, I do believe the pursuit of economic prosperity is more influential that religion.
