
From Lugano to La Jolla....what a remarkable amalgam of ideas, insights, and perspectives. Welcome to this site. Mr. Izsa (TASIS) and Mrs. Shaul (LJCDS) invite you to join us in our conversations about the history and the realities of America's history and culture--from a decidedly international perspective.

Each month a new series of questions will be posted here by Mr. Izsa and Mrs. Shaul. Please click on the blog posts and write in your comments for the questions below, per your teacher's instructions.

Please make certain that entries are thoughtfully written (check for typos and grammatical faux pas), as erudite as you can make them, and appropriately worded for a school-related activity (note: students from other parts of the world may not share your same philosophies or your same sense of humor, so please be mindful of our differences).

With every blog session assigned, one or two can be direct responses to the questions, but at least one MUST respond directly to the students who have already written posts, answering one thread per question (more is welcome, this is the minimum requirement).Be specific. Explain why you might agree or disagree with their (his/her) opinions. Feel free to "debate" or "discuss" with your international counterpart. Make sure we can identify you with your name so you can receive credit for your contributions.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

December question 4

Is the “United” States a correct description of America? Why or why not?

December question 3

As American settlers and immigrants moved westward in the 19th century—especially in the years before the Civil War—the land began to settle quickly. How did the railroad, improved roads, and other advancements help this settlement happen? What caused people to move west? What factors would encourage someone to migrate today? What are the biggest challenges facing migrants today? (in America or anywhere else you’d like to comment about)

December question 2

For at least 20 years there has been much discussion in American politics about the privatization of social security (compensation and benefits for retired citizens), about the federalization of health care (Obamacare), and the like. Coupled with the recent passage of same-sex marriage laws and legalization of marijuana laws in some states, it seems that the states’ rights vs. federal control argument is back and stronger than ever. Choose a single contemporary issue and, once again, sum it up in a sentence and then comment on whether or not you feel it is the states or the federal government who should be making the final decisions in such situations.

December question 1

In the first half of the 19th century in America, issues regarding states’ rights and federal controls were a focal point of much political discussion. Choose a single issue from the first half of the 19th century and summarize the issue in one sentence. Then, include your opinion about whether the states should have the kind of control they are asking for, in this specific situation.