
From Lugano to La Jolla....what a remarkable amalgam of ideas, insights, and perspectives. Welcome to this site. Mr. Izsa (TASIS) and Mrs. Shaul (LJCDS) invite you to join us in our conversations about the history and the realities of America's history and culture--from a decidedly international perspective.

Each month a new series of questions will be posted here by Mr. Izsa and Mrs. Shaul. Please click on the blog posts and write in your comments for the questions below, per your teacher's instructions.

Please make certain that entries are thoughtfully written (check for typos and grammatical faux pas), as erudite as you can make them, and appropriately worded for a school-related activity (note: students from other parts of the world may not share your same philosophies or your same sense of humor, so please be mindful of our differences).

With every blog session assigned, one or two can be direct responses to the questions, but at least one MUST respond directly to the students who have already written posts, answering one thread per question (more is welcome, this is the minimum requirement).Be specific. Explain why you might agree or disagree with their (his/her) opinions. Feel free to "debate" or "discuss" with your international counterpart. Make sure we can identify you with your name so you can receive credit for your contributions.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

December question 4

Is the “United” States a correct description of America? Why or why not?


  1. John F. (USA)

    I'm undecided about this one. Even though I believe our nation is strong and we are relatively connected nation, we hear countless stories about how our states are going to secede from the nation because of differences with the government. An example of this would be in the debate whether or not marijuana should become legalized. States such as Colorado and Washington recently voted in the November election about the legalization of marijuana. The results allowed the legalization. This outcome shows us the our states are inching closer and closer to seceding because they disregarding federal laws and establishing laws for themselves. In the end, yes our nation is still united but with the recent changes to our states laws and overall feeling that seceding could even be a possibility, I wonder how long the "united" title will last. *Note: I don't want people outside the USA to think that states are close to seceding from the union in any way. What I'm trying to say is that before seceding wasn't even in the mindset but now, with the changes of laws, states are getting closer and closer to this idea of seceding or branching away from the union. Hopefully that makes sense.

  2. There are many ways we can see it. In one way, America is actually united, in fact it is a really strong country. We can consider it the strongest in the whole world. However, it is not united in the way people are treated. After the civil war racism was supposed to be finish but it actually exist even today. Many studies show that black people in US are treated differently from white.

  3. The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (America is a continent) should be united but in fact is not. If it were in fact united there wouldnt even be te necessity for having state laws.

  4. Lucy Russia

    I do not think so, because throughout the history of this country there have always been some frictions, differentiated views on various issues and secessions. Moreover, there is rumor flying around that Texas wants to secede from the union. Does it really show 'United States of America' in the best light?

  5. I think America is not united. It should be but it is not. I have been to america 6 times now and everytime i went to a different state. What I thought in each of them was, this state is basically like a country itself. They live alone, and free of other states. It is as if they don't even have another state near them.

  6. We can say that the United States is a powerful and strong country, it cannot be described as America because there are different racisms in America and maybe it should be a part of non racism part and one fascism because there

  7. In some case, it is certainly united. As a strong and united country, its decisions are made as a whole community. Moreover, it affect nowaday's economic as a whole country. However, it should not be consider united sometimes because each states' affairs are devided. They are not really related. Thus, at this time the 'United' States is not a correct description of America.

  8. Yes, I believe it is correct to call it the United States because they are all joined by a constitution. However, this question I believe refers to the people of the country whether they are united or not. Of course they are not but this happens in all the world and then there should be no country at all, anywhere in the world. So yes the US is united under one government, one president, and one flag. So it is correct to call it united.

  9. Angela (Italy)

    I think every person feels differently about this matter, especially if they are Americans. The United States all follow the same constitution and are of the most powerful, if not the most one, countries in the world. Because of this, yes, they are united. Yet, throughout history, the states have fought against each other and developed different characteristics that still affect them today. For example, historically the South relied more in agriculture than the industrialized North; this difference is still visible. Also, states would like to have more power of decision for themselves, which would make them even less united. There is not even that much union between the citizens, who still make discriminations in some ways based on race, even if unconsciously. Anyway, this is just a foreigner's point of view.

  10. I think America should be called United States because they joined together after Civil War. Even though some people still believe Blacks and Whites are not equal, majority of them are color blind now a day. The US is considered a strong country and it has only one democratic president who leads the whole country, so it should be "united" in any case.

  11. Well, actually, America is a part of the world, it is a continent. While The United States is a country. So, of course it can be called united, this is one country that's united by common government, history and constitution.

  12. I'm little bit confused about answering this question. United States are actually seem to be united and strong. But as I know, every state is a small country with it's own laws and restrictions. For example, California state allows marijuana, but in Maine or Texas the marijuana is completely unexeptable. Also, different states have different traditions and celebrations, so it is hard to say that United States are actually united.

  13. I think they should named as United and it actually fits them. Now a days USA is running the world , even though it runs it quietly. A power which runs the world should be more than one kind. It should be ranged ideas united in one power. In every nation there are some conflicts, some contrasting ideas. But the main point is to be able to stay together. After Civil War in hole world some divisions occurred. Soviet Union was decayed, Balkan countries had a huge fight and more on. While we are considering a situation related now, we should look at the point that we came. Not to the past or in any unrelated time era. Now the point that they had reached is actually fine. If it wasn't than they wouldn't be the one who runs the World.

  14. In my opinion, United States of America are united, and I agree with Gustav that the USA are united under the same principals, because they share the same history and the same constitution, but today people are all enemies, they fight only for them selves without carrying about the well being of everybody as happened in the 1800's century. In conclusion, the country is United by on paper and ideally, but not between the people.

  15. The United States of America are going to be united long time from now. They are united because they are very powerful together and I'm pretty sure they won't want to lose all this power. The state laws doesn't really express that the US is not united is that the US is so huge that every state needs it's own laws to correspond with the way of living in each state. Probably there is some racism in the US and that would mean that there may not be a unity between people but that happens in every country in this world. Is is not something to be feared about and the states will continue to be united for a long timer, for sure!

  16. A "free" country of such size (USA) can or should never really be considered united. Although a strong National government can make the impression of a United country it is not. The United States are actually nothing more than Europe only with a Stronger Overall government. Every state is similar to a EU country. They have their own laws and regulations and only matters of big importance like Voting Age are decided upon by the National Government.

  17. It should be United, since it is one country. However, I don't think it is correct to call it united. According to the history there are always some argues, problems and differences between the sates in the USA. It is not united, because each state has it's own laws and people who live there have different rights. For example, people in the USA should change their driving lessons if they move to another state. That is extremely ridiculous that people in one country can't use one type of driving lessons.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I believe the United States are united. Even though there is a certain independence in each state, this independence is only there to serve the different opinions and ideas of the people who live in different states and their geographical contrasts. It is a big country, therefore, laws made in some states should not be applied to others and vice versa. In fact I feel that the freedom which each state has, represents the name of the country, United States not United State. The states are free to make their own laws, but their are united by the constitution, and by the pride of being American (in some states more than others).

  20. United States are united in some point of views. I agree with Gustav because US if it's under the same government, president and flag is retained united. United States is united in the way of being a strong nation. United States don't accept the black race because they think it is inferior to them. They are so mean that they sent to court a woman that refused to get off the bus of white people.On the other hand United States does not consider every citizen at the same level. Some of them have different rights and are treated unfairly from others and this is what makes US mean nation.

  21. Yes, it is correct say "united" since they unify one country under the same constitution even though, for example, each state has own laws known as state laws. In other words, America became a very powerful country because of its strong unification.

  22. I don't really agree on that. I think using term "United" is not really correct. US is made up of different states and just this idea of country that is "built" out of different parts can not make a country "United". For example, South and North even went to war to each other and still up to date they have cultural differences. This fact does not really support the word "United". Therefore, United states of America are not that united after all.

  23. Isabel, Italy

    Every person can see this question in different ways, because in some ways the United States are actually united because it is a really strong and connected nation, but, we cannot consider it united for how the people are treated, mostly black Americans. America has always been a little racist and has always been treating black really bad and without respect. Even when slavery was about to end, it actually didn't.

  24. The "United Staes" is probably not the most correct name for calling a country which has never been "united." For decades, US has been facing a series of issues majorly for the race, which brought to bloody wars and even the division of the country. From the moment that the Declration of Independence was signed, saying that "all men are created equal," the US took the commitment of maintaining this word; thing which was never done. Nowdays, people argue there is still racial discrimination among the society; yet, Americans are very proud of being "the united country."

  25. United is a word that can describe the United States, but I am a little unsure until what extent. U.S is a strong, powerful country. And this could only happen if the Nation is working all United in order to prosper. But by the recent new state's laws, differences between states are growing. This only pulls the country apart by having different laws in each states. Of course people have different interest and points of views, but it is the Government's job to maintain a common good and keep the Nation together.

  26. Calling United States "America" is one the most prevailed mistakes that make people in the Eastern Europe. "America" and United States are two completely different terms. United States is country that is located in the middle part of the continent, called Northern America. "America" is the part of the world in the western hemisphere of the Earth.

    1. "America" is a shortening of the full name "The United States of America". It is common for people living in the USA to shorten it to "America"; however, outside of the USA, it is common for Americans to call it "The States" (at least that was my experience when I lived in Europe). There is also the fact that people from the USA are not called "United Staters" or "United Statians". They are called "Americans" which could (I'm just guessing) encourage people to shorten the name of the country to "America"...but I'm not a historian and there could be a historical reason for this shortening to "America".

      So, is the "united" States the correct description of America? (aside from the semantics of the words). I'm curious what your thoughts are on the idea of a "united" country. You are from the Russian Federation and could offer an interesting perspective on what "unified" really means.

      -Mr. Sinnott (USA)
      (Note: I used to teach at LJCDS, but no longer do so I'm not grading you :)

  27. The United States of America are united under a constitution that ensures certain rights and imposes determined values under which its citizens feel represented and protected. On the other side, the United States is a land of immigrants, each with different religions, thoughts and ethnie than other American citizens. The United States aren't, from this point of view united as its citizens never felt real nationalistic symptoms, and its independence seemed due to more economical and religious separatism.
    Lorenzo (Italy)

  28. Everyone brings up good points. Though the U.S. does have a constitution that "unifies" us, there are in ways we aren't. John brings up the legalization of marijuana. In my opinion this does give hints of possible seceding, as well as the issue of gay marriage. Only a select few state allow it, which proves that we are not completely united. Or else every state would allow gay marriage, and the legalization of marijuana.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I agree with the statement that cbadsurfer made. He gave great examples to show how in certain ways we are unified but on the other hand we still have controversy over certain dilemmas. The United States allows states to have certain rights, but under federal law many laws barely pertain to the state. Like gay marriage and legalization on marijuana, only a few states authorize these laws. In conclusion, America has a very straightforward view on these situations but they attempt to keep us civilized therefor not meeting everyones demands.

  31. Overall, the only thing uniting our country is the constitution and the effects of decisions that are made by our president or even the effect of the choices we make by ourselves. Other than those major concepts, we all have different opinions, beliefs, ways of life, etc. that separate us from one another in a huge way.

  32. The "united" States is a very misleading title. This is because there is so much controversy among them. The disunity has gotten so bad that many states want to succeed from the union, this extremity shows the desire for actual independence and in a perfect world everyone would get along, however this world is far from perfect and even within nations conflict arises.
    -Ryan M

  33. "United" states implies the states are united under one power. Which we are, and this is why we have a president. Although there are many other countries that are united as well. When creating this nation, the founding fathers just wanted emphasis on a bounded nation and that is why they added the "United". It is all about the underlying effects of pride in being in unity which directly affects nationalism. They did it with the intention to build a stronger nation.

  34. America has had a lot of problems when it comes to the country being "united" but in the end I think that america deserves the name "united states". Even though the democrats and the republicans are drawing sides between americans, we all have the same president even if some don't want to admit it. All the states have different flags but we all share the stars and stripes flag.
    -Jake M.

  35. America was the definition of divided in the Civil War era, however attempts by congress and the government allowed for a less hostile relationship between the north and south. This has progressed and modern day the United States is much more "United" then before. Putting the past behind us would allow me to comfortably say, despite some racial tensions that we are the "United" States.
    -Ryan Mehregany

  36. In civil war times, the united states should not have been titled as such, as they were not in fact all united. there were southern states who had certain beliefs based on their farming ways of life and required the work of others inorder to earn and provide for themselves. Northerners believed that the southerners were wrong because of their lifestyles, which were more industrial, rather than agricultural. in those times, people were willing to fight and die for their beliefs and their ways of life. nowadays, while many regions of this country have different beliefs, both collectively as states and as individuals, we are much more united than we once were. while everybody has an opinion, our nation is not currently in a position to fight for its independence or separation in any way from the rest of the states.
