
From Lugano to La Jolla....what a remarkable amalgam of ideas, insights, and perspectives. Welcome to this site. Mr. Izsa (TASIS) and Mrs. Shaul (LJCDS) invite you to join us in our conversations about the history and the realities of America's history and culture--from a decidedly international perspective.

Each month a new series of questions will be posted here by Mr. Izsa and Mrs. Shaul. Please click on the blog posts and write in your comments for the questions below, per your teacher's instructions.

Please make certain that entries are thoughtfully written (check for typos and grammatical faux pas), as erudite as you can make them, and appropriately worded for a school-related activity (note: students from other parts of the world may not share your same philosophies or your same sense of humor, so please be mindful of our differences).

With every blog session assigned, one or two can be direct responses to the questions, but at least one MUST respond directly to the students who have already written posts, answering one thread per question (more is welcome, this is the minimum requirement).Be specific. Explain why you might agree or disagree with their (his/her) opinions. Feel free to "debate" or "discuss" with your international counterpart. Make sure we can identify you with your name so you can receive credit for your contributions.

Monday, February 11, 2013

February question #2: Immigration

In an era of globalization, some academics argue that borders mean less than they did even just 10 years ago (think EU). As the world attempts to move toward more unification and cooperation, should there be fewer immigration restrictions? What, in your opinion, are reasons to deny people entry into your own country? Why? What is the best way to discourage/end illegal immigration?


  1. The problem with immigration is, people move to the countries that have the best job offers. And slowly, those countries start to over populate. The city I am from, for example, is on its way to become overpopulated. In some ways, yes, I do think there should be less immigration restrictions. The best way to end illegal immigration is probably by making the visits easier from outside countries. But let's face it, illegal immigration will never end.

  2. In my opinion, reasons to deny people to entry my own country may be drugs, violence and crime increase, health care cost, population increase. And so, nobody wants the factors written above to progress and continue increasing/growing. Therefore, nobody wants more immigrants in Russia, where I am from. The best ways to discourage and end illegal immigration are making special examinations for those who would like to immigrate and to reinforce country's borders security and inspection.

  3. In my opinion, we should let all immigrants to enter to any country. by letting immigrants to enter to your country, it would be the competition between the local workers and the foreign workers. Therefore, the economy of the country will be Improving. In my country, we have few immigrants who are only coming for job opportunities.The best way to discourage illegal immigration is letting all people with different nationalities enter your country

    1. letting immigrants come into any county without restrictions my cause over population in certain areas if those areas are preferred. also, it may hurt some economies because places might have huge amounts of people leaving at one time if there are no restrictions as to where or when they can move to. while there are some positive aspects to job competition, it can also be a very bad thing because it can be a cause of racism and violence.

    2. I agree with both Arela and Jalaleddin, that immigration can be both a good but at the same time a bad thing. The more people that are searching for jobs and are willing to work will help the economy tremendously, but on the other hand the more people, perhaps overpopulation and a big case of urbanization will occur. This could lead to pollution and many more dangerous factors that effect will effect our communities. I have seen this happen in many countries such as France and of course America where civilians will force there way into the society, in order to obtain money, the downside of doing this the wrong way can result in violence and racism. With immigration becoming a very big problem, and everyone knowing about it, there should be less strict rule, for example in America, about the rules to obtains a Visa or Green cards.

    3. I do not think all immigrants should be let in to any country. If they want to come, they should come legally. Yes we need to fix the long and trying process to accept more immigrants, but we need to limit and select who comes. if somone is going to work and be a positive member to society, then yes, they should be allowed in, but if a group is just going to come and live off government programs and be involvead in illegal activity our country is better without them.American citizzens pay out of pocket for these progrmas for people who actually need them no illegal aliens.

    4. Immigration is both a good and a bad thing, because even though illegal immigrants do not pay taxes, they are helping improve the economy by doing all the dirty work no one else want to do. However, I agree with John that we need to limit and select who comes, and not all immigrants should be allowed to enter our country.

    5. I do agree with john and leona, we need to be more selective with who gets to come into our country. I think that immigrants that have the intention of working and making a better life for themself should be accepted. Immigrants come to america, mostly come to chase the american dream and I believe that is what makes america what it is today and they should not be penalized. But immigrants that come here with no intention to work and who commit crimes and live off of american tax payers should not be admitted into the country. I don't see immigration ending in the near future but it's all about being more selective of the immigrants who want to be apart of our country.

  4. In my opinion , if the county that people entering doesn't have any things going on which will affect the immigrant, they should be more elastic about visa rules. For instance, to enter Africa people are required to get some injections. In this case visa rules should be strict. Or if two countries are in a conflict people should be checked more carefully in case of an attack. Therefore, in some cases people should be examined well, but generally speaking, the rules should be less strict. New immigrants brings new ideas, new cultures, which I believe will develop the county.

  5. A country should always have limitations for immigrants to keep its standing high. For example, they should stricken the borders and only allow people with special specification such as; their current jobs, their health, their criminal records, etc.
    A country's first mission is to take good care of it's own people, and then take care of the ones that come later on. Therefore, if the country can maintain its current class, there shouldn't be any problem with immigrants who want to be a part of that country.

    1. I agree with Eva. Immigrants who come in the country should have a vast background check in order to insure that all immigrants contribute only positive aspects to the country as a whole. I also agree with how she said we should look after ourselves before we bring in others. If we become at a point where our country is at a crisis we wouldn't want to keep bringing people in when we cant even take care of ourselves.

    2. i agree with Sam and Eva, people should be checked before being admitted. We need to know who is being brought into the couuntry and we also have to limit the number because before anyone else we take care of our own.

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  7. There could be more than one right answer, however, I believe that immigration is bad for a country in a period like this. The reason why it is bad is that a lot of immigrants one arrved in a new country become criminals and this affect other people, and also because they take away jobs to native people. In a moment like this, of economic crisis immigration doesn't help.

  8. There shouldn't be any particular migration restrictions nowadays. Some people in their own countries have no opportunities to work any live a normal live, so they come to developed countries such as EU major members, USA and Russia. However, the illegal immigration should be controlled stricter. Since some countries like UK faced some problems with it. The illegal immigrants, who were not even citizens of UK yet, overused its medical care service. So, the citizens of UK didn't even have opportunity to use the hospitals, because it was all full with the illegal immigrants who don't even pay taxes. The legal migration is fine, yet illegal should be very much controlled. The best way is to control borders better. In many countries such us Russia and Switzerland illegal immigrants come through crossing the border in the mountains.

  9. Immigration is extremely helpful for poor people and even for some rich people. Countries and win a lot of new ideas, opinions and valuable people because of immigration. There is a lot of people that really did something with their lives and move so they can continue what they created in a more civilised country because they simply weren't lucky enough to be born in that country. I will probably immigrate too when I will be older and it will be only because I may have bigger chances of success in another country than in Romania, for example. Immigration should be as easy as possible because people NEED to know each other. Everyone needs to learn about others and we have to create our equal rights even if we don't get them (as someone said once) when we are born. It is a must that immigration will continue and that every nation experiences it. Immigration to a country may even mean that that country is a powerful nation and they should be proud of it instead of sending them back home. It's true that sometimes there are conflicts between the immigrants and the natives of a country but police has to intervene and apply the law to anyone that does something wrong. Right in this moment, I'm against illegal immigration because if it's illegal, it has to be punished (clearly, if you do not have the right documents). But I like the idea of no or very low barrier to immigration.

  10. People migrate due to poor economical situations. They're trying to find a better place to live/work. So, I think instead of moving somewhere, it's more beneficial to make the country of emigration better. First, don't let people move from and to. second, make conditions in the country better. Third, make relationships with other countries better. So, there are more jobs, a better economy, national background is saved and there are no reasons for nationalism and racism.

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  12. There is a specific reason why I think that a country should restrict immigration. It is that my homeland: Japan takes advantages in this way. For example, since the government sets very strict regulations on immigrants, Japan has been able to maintain herself the safest: according to the statistics, immigrants tend to increase the number of minor offenses such as pick-pocketing. Moreover, Japan has a way lower unemployment rate compared to other countries. In Japan more compatriots are hired since there are few immigrants which means few needs to provide works to such people in Japan.

  13. In my opinion, immigrants can be dangerous and not dangerous to the country. Actually some times these immigrants can be helpful for the country because it can provide money to the country's economy. Also, it can be dangerous for the people who lives in the country because the immigrants because they do not have any job, they can start to become thiefs and maybe killers to get the money from the rich. Therefore I think that immigrants are dangerous.

  14. In my opinion, THe USA handled the Immigration problem very incorrectly. They Started by letting in everybody and than got very strict. Indeed do I support the fact that countries now choose whom they let immigrate. It is important that countries focus on being multi cultural and don't exceed a healthy limit of patriotism (Racism).

  15. I agree with you that US handled immigration incorrectly, however I don't think that all countries should be opened for immigration. If people move around from country to country, many customs of these places will mix with others or become extinct. Restriction of immigration will keep humanity from destroying customs of other countries. It won't be really interesting to live in the world where every single place on the globe is very similar to any other. It is harsh but it keeps the difference between cultures which makes our planet so interesting to live on.

    P.S. Racism is for idiots who can not accept others, so it is not an argument against importance of cultural differences.

  16. Fewer restrictions for broder could please many groups who find the system in place now to be a bit abrasive, and that could be a good thing. The only problem is that with less restrictions, not only will it be easier for the good people to enter our country, but also the bad. We don't need more criminals and other negative groups, and that is where people get most nervous. If we had less restrictions on the actual border, but made immigration paperwork and applications a little more tedious, i believe that i would be beneficial to all different outlooks of this problem.

  17. I believe that if there were fewer border restrictions that some countries would become less populated due to people moving to countries with better economies. This also means that if there were fewer restrictions that the countries with better opportunities for jobs and better economy would end up being overpopulated and would negatively effect the economy. I believe that the only possible way to have less immigrants in the country is to lower the number of immigrants who are allowed in

  18. I believe that there should be fewer qualifications for getting a citizen ship in this country, and that there should be less paperwork and tests that are required to gain a citizenship. It is a very long, hard, and stressful process to become a citizen in the US, which is why many people opt to cross the border illegally as opposed to spending 7 years just trying to become a part of the US. I also believe that in some parts of our country people are a little too aggressive towards illegal immigrants and don't respect that they are just trying to better their lives. However, this is our country and we are just trying to keep it safe. I could see both points of views, but I do believe that if we make immigration paper work less tedious more people would opt to legally become a citizen. -Dani Devor

  19. In my opinion we can look at the question in two ways. Indeed, to reduce the immigration restrictions can be a good and a bad thing for a country. It can be a good thing when the people migrating take action in the country and help it grow and develop its businesses. But it can also be a bad thing if the people migrating just take advantage of the country and go there to benefit of the social system. For example, in France, a lot of people migrate because we have a good social system that provides the citizen with welfare or other kinds of wages when they don't work or have a poor economic situation. This system is unfair to the citizen of the country that work hard because they pay huge taxes that pay for the immigrants that don't have a job. And on the other hand, immigrants that are willing to work "steal" the job of the citizen born in the country which is not good for the nation economy of the country.

    Capucine Tuffier

  20. If becoming an American citizen were easier to do, there would be much less illegal immigration. Because getting an American citizenship often takes years, people find it much easier to find ways around it. By making citizenships easier to obtain,more people would have to undergoe backround checks, regulating who is allowed to work in America. By ensuring that the immigrants really want to come here to work, taxes will decline because Americans won't have to pay for those who come to America and don't work.

  21. I believe that fewer restrictions on immigration would lead to a greater desire for immigrants to come to the US. This would cause over- population, less jobs and unsafe/dangerous environments. There would be alot of fights over jobs and the citizens of the certain country would complain that the immigrants are taking away their jobs that they deserve because they are citizens. I believe strongly about keeping this country safe and not having over population which is why we should keep the restrictions.

  22. To discourage illegal immigration it would help by not allowing them to buy houses or shelter or get a job. Illegal immigration is a major problem because they take jobs from legal immigrants and they also take health care and cause lots of problems.

  23. I believe that we should't just let people into our country. We should perform background checks, see if they have any felonies or things that aren't accepted in the U.S. Before we start getting our population bigger we need to take care of our own. Bigger populations mean higher unemployment rates, more starvation, so we really need to tighten our immigration system.

  24. I think immigration is some people's way to pursue a better life (better wage/environment/public services,etc). However, letting too many people entering our own country or city may cause serious problems. Take my city, Beijing, as an example. Now it is severely overpopulated with more than 19 million residents. That is more than the population of some small country. The results are the horrible traffic situation, high unemployment rate and super bad environment. The limited resources just can't support that many people, and I think this is true for a country too. People have enough reasonable reasons to be against to non regulated immigration for their domestic resources.
    I know that immigration has its advantages too such as the global communication and cooperation, but i think it really should be highly regulated.

  25. I think illegal immigration is bad. Although illegal immigration might be okay in some aspects, it causes more problems than solutions. Because of the newer policies America has taken up regarding social welfare and healthcare, illegals are able to take advantage of these systems at our expense.

  26. There can be both positive and negative results if the immigration rules aren't as tough. There are a lot of good people that deserve to be here, but then we could be letting in a lot of bad people who don't. If we don't have as strong of restrictions on our immigration system, then who knows who will be entering our country.

  27. I believe that in this day and age we have no time to have a faulty system in place. and if illegal immigration is still occurring then the system is not doing its job. Illegal immigration is clearly bad, but it isn't only because it can make our country crowded. There are illegal immigrants that can come into our country and take the jobs (low wages or not) that could be taken by Americans that are legally here! I am definitely against illegal immigration (and tons of immigration in general) for that reason. It also is not right that illegal aliens should be able to take advantage of welfare and healthcare that wasn't put in place from them to begin with.

  28. Illegal immigration is bad for a country. If someone is here illegally then they are taking jobs that belong to citizens and legal immigrants. Illegal immigrants take jobs from legals and leave citizens and legal immigrants jobless. People who legally belong in the country work and pay taxes and help better the economy. Illegal immigrants don't pay taxes so the money doesn't go back into the economy and unemployed citizens hurt the economy. There should be stricter immigration rules because illegal immigration hurts our economy.

  29. To me its interesting that people say immigrants take jobs away from Americans, yet who would want to pick strawberries, pull out weeds under the hot sun, etc. No, I do not think illegal immigration is good but I do not think they "steal" jobs. People who say that illegal immigrants take away our jobs have not thought through their opinion completely because the people who say this would not want to do these back-breaking jobs. Illegal immigrants may not pay taxes but they do contribute to the economy. They contribute by keeping the money circulating and spending it on products sold in the United States. I believe the people speaking about illegal immigrants and the economy, are referring to ancient Rome and how slaves did not help the economy. It is important to keep in mind that slaves could not purchase Roman goods and that slowed down their economy but as previously stated illegal immigrants do purchase goods therefore not hurting our economy.

  30. I believe that immigrants should be able to come to the U.S. People always talk about how illegal immigrants are taking american jobs away, when really who wants to do all of those grueling jobs. Illegal immigrants do help the economy by spending american money even if they do not pay taxes. I do believe that there should be laws to limit some illegal immigrants, but the United States cannot stop everyone of them.

  31. I think it's great that people from other countries want to immigrate into the United States, but I do believe that sometimes they can be a burden when not entering properly. Illegal immigration is a major drain on the economy because the government ends up supporting them and they don't have to pay taxes because they are not legal citizens. It's important to have laws to restrict the illegal entry into the country, so that the people who have legally entered the country can benefit more and not be associated as illegal immigrants who get away with not being a citizen and paying taxes and such. People who have no defined goal to enter the country and who have some type of criminal record should not be allowed to enter the country. I think the perfect candidates to immigrate are those who wish to receive education because they may not have as many opportunities in their home land to become educated as they do here. The best way to end illegal immigration is to secure borders and require more information for those asking for a visa.

  32. our country fights hard to keep illegals out and it would make no sense to make immigration protection less of a priority. there are millions of people in the us the best way to keep it safe and to protect against immigrants is to secure the borders. the only way i think it should be made possible to let people in is by making the uneducated go to school and learn how to do certain jobs because the are not blessed with the same opportunities in their country and to me that seems unfair. as long as the border is secure and america is safe then then the country has a lot of room for growth and a good development.
