
From Lugano to La Jolla....what a remarkable amalgam of ideas, insights, and perspectives. Welcome to this site. Mr. Izsa (TASIS) and Mrs. Shaul (LJCDS) invite you to join us in our conversations about the history and the realities of America's history and culture--from a decidedly international perspective.

Each month a new series of questions will be posted here by Mr. Izsa and Mrs. Shaul. Please click on the blog posts and write in your comments for the questions below, per your teacher's instructions.

Please make certain that entries are thoughtfully written (check for typos and grammatical faux pas), as erudite as you can make them, and appropriately worded for a school-related activity (note: students from other parts of the world may not share your same philosophies or your same sense of humor, so please be mindful of our differences).

With every blog session assigned, one or two can be direct responses to the questions, but at least one MUST respond directly to the students who have already written posts, answering one thread per question (more is welcome, this is the minimum requirement).Be specific. Explain why you might agree or disagree with their (his/her) opinions. Feel free to "debate" or "discuss" with your international counterpart. Make sure we can identify you with your name so you can receive credit for your contributions.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

November question #2

How was the election coverage handled by the media?


  1. I believe that the media has a HUGE power over us Americans. The media has the liberty to say and do (for the most part) what it please in terms of electing the president and other officials. Unfortunately, I think media can really effect the population of uninformed voters. These "uninformed" voters can be people who don't have enough time to learn about certain issues or simply people who vote solely for unimportant reasons. Media can give the wrong impression of people and can out right skew the information presented in the commercials or on new telecasts. I know many people who make their decision solely on what they hear from the media, which I think is totally barbaric! People should not believe every word that comes from news & commercials, they are simply just propaganda against the candidates.

    1. I agree with John that the media does have a huge effect on the people. People can know a great amount of information from the media, which is, however sometimes not objective. Many of them change their mind after reading some news. Also, the prediction that the media makes could change people's mind as well. It is obvious that the media has a significant effect.

    2. I agree with the fact people make their decisions based on the media's biased opinion. But it is better than voting misinformed from other sources of information. As biased as it is, the information is still true rather than being made up. Although I still wish the media would give less biased information.

    3. I agree completely with John. The media is a huge part of the election and can even be the reason for a certain winner. Furthermore I think that there are some strictly republican stations and some strictly democratic stations which also can influence the easily swayed voter.

    4. I 100% agree with John. The media can change an outsiders view on anything. The way that the media covers things can change the undecided voter's votes if they say the correct things. Also, it depends on what news station the voter views, stations such as Fox and CNN both cover their political opinions in the way they want.

    5. I agree with John. Because of the extreme bias of the media, undecided voters that watch the news can be persuaded to go one way. Each side will slander the other candidate so that the undecided voters will see the opponent as a person completely unfit for president. I think that the media is too biased and it is hard to find true, unbiased facts in the media.

    6. I very strongly agree with John's statement. The sad reality is that a huge number of voters don't do nearly enough research as necessary to develop their own opinions about the candidates. The only information they receive about the election is from their favorite news channel, which is bound to have a bias toward one candidate.

  2. The media definitely favored President Obama which definitely influenced how people voted. no media site was unbiased.

    1. On one hand Media favored Obama, however other groups who wanted Romney to win, such as Fox highly favored Romney and made him seem flawless. Media plays a huge roll in the election. One of the biggest is surrounding people with facts about the things they think are great about each president in order to "brain wash" the people who know only what they see on this media. The media also effects the youth for the same reason that the youth are uneducated and being influenced about something they know nothing about.

    2. This is to no more xbox: we'd love to give you credit for your post, but you have to include your name! Thanks

    3. This is to no more xbox: we'd love to give you credit for your post, but you have to include your name! Thanks

    4. I agree with you when you said that the media influences the vote of the American people and that no media is unbiased, but they didn't just sway the people toward Obama. There were plenty of place that you could go to to find Pro- Romney information if you wanted.

  3. I agree with John. The media has a huge effect on us as voters. Even though we don't like to acknowledge it, we really do take the opinions of others into consideration before creating our own opinions. I think the media has the power to make a very positive effect on the citizens but I don't necessarily believe that they always use it for good. I think in this election Obama was definitely favored by the press and I think that gave him a significant advantage over Mitt Romny.

    1. Lucy (Russia)
      Yes, I am completely agree with Ali and John's opinion on the effect of the media on Americans. Effect can be both positive and negative. However, many people were led by what was written in newspaper, was said in news.. 'People should not believe every word that comes from news & commercials, they are simply just propaganda against the candidates' - I love this sentence from John.
      Still, there was more attention payed to Obama's activity than Romney's.

    2. yes indeed, the media has a huge impact. In previous years, election coverage was mostly attacking either side's opinions or mistakes. but this year it was about what candidates did rather than what they didn't do. since Obama was president he obviously had more eyes on him!

  4. I agree with Arela in that the media favored President Obama, especially CNN. The media definitely influenced voters because voters will listen to what they hear.

  5. I believed that the different news casting stations whether TV or radio, they were both biased in one way or another for one of the candidates. Even though they would try and mix in different opinions both positive and negative about each candidate, there was always more of an opinion stated about one candidate compared to the other. It was especially noted with how much attention they would give each candidate and what they would say about them in general that gave off a certain vibe that was not equally opinionated.

  6. I feel that the news station are giving there genuine predictions on the winning of the election not based on biased ideas , but on facts. They take the states that are generally democratic or republican, and give the votes to that candidates. The station may talk about on candidate more positively than another, but in the end it is going to be tallied up the same way.

    1. I agree with Jake that the end results, regardless of the biased opinions of various medias such as Fox and CNN, is going to be tailed up the same way. Most people who view these stations already have their opinion and will most likely choose to listen to the station that agrees with their views, only to reassure that their opinion on who is the best candidate for president is better.

  7. I think the election was covered as expected by the media. Bias opinions are always going to be there, and they definitely were there throughout this election in the media. It's important to listen to what the media says, but to always be skeptical to what they say and have your own fact based opinion.

    1. I agree with Mr. Hussong, We should listen to them but we should keep an open mind when listening to them. CNN was actually pretty close with their prediction of the election but we have to remeber that those are just predictions, and shouldn't let them sway our votes.

  8. Angela (Italy)

    I believe that in my country the media gave information and predictions without trying to take sides with any of the parties. It probably was because there would be no point in influencing the citizens, as they could not vote anyway. I cannot speak for the American medias, but I would not be surprised if there where some biases, also because everyone has his own opinion and it would be hard to talk about such an important matter without including personal thoughts.

    1. I agree with Angela; it is very easy to look in from the outside and inform the population if we are not personally affected by the outcomes. In Italy, or any country for that matter, there is nothing that they could have done or told their citizens to change the election. That being said, i think most news comes with bias, which is unfortunate. Ideally, people will gather information from both sides and decide what they believe for themselves regardless of what their friends and family believe. In America, the presidential election affected everyone as any election in another country would do the same for the citizens there. As citizens and voters, we need to stay informed and aware of bias in order to make smart, comprehensive decisions about our futures

    2. Angela said it perfectly, although i don't know about the new in Italy, why would they be bias because their citizens don't vote for our president. But she is also right because the news and media here are bias depending upon what station you watch. However the mind sets of most of America is they are either Democratic of Republican but they won't admit that they are in between and they will not be persuaded otherwise, so even the news being bias will not change their vote.

  9. I agree with Angela since we both come from European country. The media truly doesn't influence the citizens with all kinds of parties like they do in America.The media really influenced some American citizens.Media will always say what we want to hear, so it is important to pay close attention to what they are saying. One more fact is that you should always think and doubt what they say. Sometimes is good to talk to other citizens about their opinions.

  10. I believe that in the US, media are far too exagerated. Many advertisements are blatantly asking people to vote for a specific party, television news strongly support one side, and famous actors, sport players or singers are paid to say they vote a certaint party. Often, people make fun of the other candidate in public and in tv shows, trying to influence people's ideas. I think that, in this way, media are not used to spread information, but to specificly make publicity of the candidates themselves. In my country, media are much more discrete; they some times hide some information too! I think there should be a middle way between these types of media because they are both too extreme.

  11. The media played a vital role in the portrayal of each candidate. However, in this election it was very obvious that the media was more supportive of President Obama. News stations, newspapers, and talkshows all have reputations of showing bias or partism towards one party or another; as a result of this, bias news and rumors are always floating around.
    President Obama had the support of a broad spectrum of people. More importantly however, he had the support of the "right", influential people. The amount of celebrity endorsements that Obama received from some of Hollywood's finest was vast. These celebrities ranged from fashion designers to rappers, other musical artists, and actors/actresses, all of whom are icons and role-models having huge influence in the media as well as the people in our country. These celebrities have also sparked the base of voters into action with the same star quality that has attracted millions of fans. I believe that this celebrity support had a great influence over some of the public, especially that of the younger voters. In fact Obama utilized his celebrity friends, finishing his campaign trail off strong with celebrities performing at each of his last campaigned states. Katie Perry, Bruce Springsteen, Jay-Z, and Stevie Wonder being a few among many that joined and helped the President in the final days before the election.

    1. Leading up to the election i thought the media was mainly used against Romney. It just so happens that CNN, probably the most watched news station leans more left wing than right. The day before the polls opened a story came out about Obama talking about the attack in Libya being a terrorist attack. This piece would have been useful in Romney's fight against Obama but wasn't released untila day before polls opened.

  12. I believe that media was one of the largest factors in how the election turns out. There are some news stations that lean to the left or the right, but in general the media favors Obama greatly. Whether the news stations predictions are favoring Obama, a funny video against Mitt Romney is posted, or overall talking without any sense, or even general disrespect torwards Mitt Romney. There were plenty of bad things said about Obama as well, but the media always went off against Mitt Romney. I thought it was interesting to go to different channels with their half way through the vote counting information. The information went from about even to Obama blowing Romney out of the water. I believe that the media influences many people, and especially people who tend not to know much about politics.

  13. I think that most media stations are biased towards one candidate or another, but since most Americans were raised on independent thinking, it didn't heavily influence the 2012 election as much as it would have in the 2008 election, when there were far more problems to exploit and 2 new candidates that the media had to share equal information about. Now that Obama was president before, most Americans already knew how he stood on certain topics, so the media wasn't as crazy as it would be in other elections.
    -Dani Devor

  14. I would say that out of anything media is the biggest influence on the elections. This is because the common voter gets most to all of their political facts through the media. Social media played a perticually important role in this election that clearly supperted the continuing of obamas presidency. this can be shown in the music video mitt romney style.

  15. There can be no question that media influences us, it is all around us. (our cell phones, computers, television) This election while following the debates afterwards i would turn on the news. CNN would tell its viewers that Obama had won the debates and then i would turn to FOX and it would tell its viewers that Romney had won by a land slide. It can be concluded that i was completely confused as to who I was to believe. The media has so much power and it abuses its power. It gives us false information or a twisted truth. And we have to choose who to have faith in. There can be no doubt that during this election many people were ill informed and mis guided by media. I defintly think that the media plays a huge role in convincing the public of who to vote for.
    -United States ( Olivia Herbert)

    1. I totally agree with what you are saying Olivia. The media has such an influence on our lives that often it leads us to untrue conclusions. The best thing that we can do in these situations is listen to the debates for example and try to make the best unbiased decision possible. By listening to the questions being posed and the responses being given we can determine who truly won on our own without those outside media influences.

  16. there are many different reponses to the election some media sources tend to side on the democratic side others republican mitt romney and paul ryan were under the watchful eye of the media as potential new comers in the presidential office after the first debate mitt romney was surprisingly the canidate that came out on top.

  17. Many different channels were bias depending on which channel you are listening/watching. I think that they should try and attempt to create a non-bias channel that gives you the straight facts.

    1. I agree with Taylor, media stations are ideally not supposed to lean towards one side or the other, but unfortunately they tend to do so. One example would be CNN. CNN is generally moderate, which causes the Right to call them liberal (Democratic). On the other hand Fox, however, is known to be clearly to the right and favoring Republican stances. Nearly everyone will listen to the radio or watch the news and by doing this we may be captured to favor one political party due the the ideas and facts that another New station and portrayed about that other party. With each media having their own view on what they believe is right and wrong, we will catch on to both the positive and negative facts and ideas that they will each put on the next Political Party.

    2. I agree with Taylor and Fidelia. I also think that CNN and Fox are bias, they express their own views and ideas. Staions need to not be bias and just stick to facts rather than share bias opinions.
      - Hannah W

    3. I disagree a little bit, I think that stations should be allowed to express and explain their own view but I do not think it is right for us to rely on what they say because we know that they aren't all facts. I think it is OUR job to figure out what is really the truth and form our own opinion by agreeing or disagreeing with the media.

      The media influenced this election a lot. When watching TV I saw many advertisements Pro-Obama and not so many Pro-Romney.

  18. I thought it was covered well, it certainly took up all the news for months, but it was hard to tell who was ahead because different news stations are biased and that got annoying

  19. Considering modern reporting techniques the term "unbiased media" is virtually an oxymoron. Taylor said that she believes that "they" should create a "non-bias channel" - but all television, even news stations, rely on ratings to stay afloat.

    The problem here is that the majority of people who watch the news don't want to simply be made AWARE of issues - they want ANALYSIS so that they may form an opinion themselves. Unfortunately, no matter which way you spin it, analysis is to some degree based on speculation and is therefore inherently laden with bias.

    WIth that said I do wish we had more diversity in our news networks, as the only way to avoid bias is to seek more and more sources of analysis.

  20. The media has a huge effect on both voters non-voters. Many media stations were biased, especially CNN and FOX. People will listen to the station that agrees with their opinion, and people who don't have an opinion will most likely agree with the news station they usually follow. It is important for the media to be neutral, and like what Taylor said, they should try to create a non-biased channel with just facts, not opinions.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I believe that the election coverage had very skewed information on both sides based on opinion. But when it came down to the facts, there was no dispute about what had happened or who said what. There were simply different opinions about those facts.

  23. I think the media has huge influence on people undoubtedly. Especially for people that had little knowledge about politics before, media was the main source to obtain updated information. With the biased opinions they got from the social media, they built their own opinions. As a result, I really think creating a non-biased channel that provides only facts like Leona and Taylor said is necessary. In this way, people can be more critical and see things in a more fair way. Also, I totally agree that people should keep open-minded while listening to others' opinions although those opinions come from the professional media.

  24. I believed that the media doesn't give you the strait up truth because they were very bias. This election was very hard to follow because when your searching different websites to see who is leading then you see five different websites that say different things.One website might say that Romney was leading today and the other might say that Obama was leading on the same day, the media made the election very confusing to follow.

    1. I agree with your comment. Each website suported a different candidate and puttintg him on the lead. This could problably change people's views.

  25. i think every news station has their own biases but that is because everyone has their own opinions and it just turns out that their opinions are on tv.

  26. I believe the media as a great influence on the american citizens. With so few people reading newspapers, broadcast media has become even more powerful. Celebrities such as Jay Z and Oprah influence the american people. They can endorse their candidates at their shows

    1. I agree with your comment. Famous people can defenetly change peoples views in the election

  27. The news had different views for the election. Some news websites said that one candidate was going to win and another website said the opposite

  28. In 1960, the Kennedy Vs. Nixon debate was a crucial point in election history because it was the first debate to be broadcasted over television. Material wise, analysts believe that Nixon would have won, but because of television, Kennedy won because everyone loved his appearance and composure. Today, the amount of technology is incomparable compared to 1960, so the amount of influence that media has on the elections is many times greater. Personally, I don't think that there is any way of knowing if the media fairly covered the elections because we wouldn't know if they already influenced us to vote for who they wanted. Obviously, the media isn't going to blatantly try to pursued its viewers, instead, it subtly causes a lean in its favored direction without the viewer being conscious of it.

  29. I agree with Merced. Channels can say whatever they want but it is in our hands to believe it or not. And it is our responsability to listen to different points of views to decide which one we agree with.

  30. The media was very biased in their views on the election. One was very conservative, while the other very liberal. In the end it is on the individual to decide which side they choose, meaning the media covered it in a way to benefit those of the differing parties.
