
From Lugano to La Jolla....what a remarkable amalgam of ideas, insights, and perspectives. Welcome to this site. Mr. Izsa (TASIS) and Mrs. Shaul (LJCDS) invite you to join us in our conversations about the history and the realities of America's history and culture--from a decidedly international perspective.

Each month a new series of questions will be posted here by Mr. Izsa and Mrs. Shaul. Please click on the blog posts and write in your comments for the questions below, per your teacher's instructions.

Please make certain that entries are thoughtfully written (check for typos and grammatical faux pas), as erudite as you can make them, and appropriately worded for a school-related activity (note: students from other parts of the world may not share your same philosophies or your same sense of humor, so please be mindful of our differences).

With every blog session assigned, one or two can be direct responses to the questions, but at least one MUST respond directly to the students who have already written posts, answering one thread per question (more is welcome, this is the minimum requirement).Be specific. Explain why you might agree or disagree with their (his/her) opinions. Feel free to "debate" or "discuss" with your international counterpart. Make sure we can identify you with your name so you can receive credit for your contributions.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

November question #1

Were you surprised by Obama's win? Why or why not?


  1. John Finkenberg (USA)

    I'm not particularly surprised at all. In 2008, It was a shoo-in that Barack would be elected into president more a multitude of reasons. One being that his PR and fan-base was rigorous. The nation was more dedicated to one candidate than it had for quite some time. Obama expressed at the time his commitment to change and gave people a feeling that he was going to implement his ideas. Now fast-forwarding to this election, his core fan-base that was dedicated to his re-election was rather, slim. I don't think people were as excited as they were back in 2008 because he wasn't able to do everything he had expressed. Although Barack Obama didn't receive all of his initial fans, I felt that there were just enough Democrats to re-elect Obama. I believe Romney was the best possible choice for the Republicans, and they sure did give Obama a fight, I knew that Obama still had more supporters to prevail.

    1. I must disagree with John, I was surpraised about Obama's win. Even if I live so far from the U.S. , I know that Obama wasn't able to make his promises real during his first term. Also because of that, during this elections Mitt Romney and Brack Obama were almost equal in their votes and the whole situation was tense for both Republicans and Democrats. But actually Obama won, and we will hope that he will do his best during this term and won't make us disappointed.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I absolutely agree with John and I also was not surprised in Obama’s reelection. I also want to add that Romney started a poor external policy. I want to mention Romney’s words about Russia that this country is an enemy number one. That was the stupidest statement of all candidates I have ever seen in my life. The period of Cold War was pasted many years ago and it is very unprofessional and not smart to back the relationship, which was at that time. Many people were disappointed in Romney’s words.

    4. I see both points: I understand why Artyom says that he was surprised. Obama did not mantain all of his promises, but I do agree with what John said. I was not surprised either by the outcome of the elections because somehow I heard many people supporting Obama and I knew by the statistics that Obama still had the majority of votes. Despite Romney did give a hard time to his opponent, and Obama did loose some votes, most people still supported the president.

    5. I can mostly agree with the Post of John. It was merely the fan-base that he had acquired in the last election (2008) that helped Obama win. Romney although he was not very popular amongst the Lower classes had the right ideas to change. I felt that Americans who were blessed with the power to chose a president that matters to all of us should have though more about who they vote for. I am not saying that every Democrat is wrong but many are. Those who do not think about voting or just vote as a act of group pressure should probably not vote next time.

    6. I agree with John completely. I believe Obama had a much larger fan base because of the previous election, along with the vote from the minorities and the women because of his pro women's rights beliefs. I think Romney definitely put up a good fight and he was the better candidate, especially when it comes to the economy, but we shall see where these next 4 years take us.

    7. Obama does distribute the money from the more fortunate to the less fortunate. However, you need to take into account that the little wealthy percentage provide America and Americans with many jobs and also tax benefits. So if Obama higher their taxes they will be more tempted to capital flight.

  2. From my perspective I completely agree with John. Obama is providing the public with a lot of benefits to some people who have worked very hard and some who have not. He is taking money from one percent of the population and basically distributing it to less fortunate or less hard working people. Obama wants the betterment of the people and stuck to his ground. On the other hand, Romney was being very indecisive and changed his mind on the subject half way through his argument. Both were very good candidates but Obama came out on top due to his ability to accommodate the majority of people.

    1. I agree with you. Obama was definitely better with his speeches because he did not change his topic halfway through and just continued on adding up to one whole idea of what he wanted in a way that affected the people of U.S.

    2. I agree with Yasmin! I wasn't surprised if Obama won the elections. He was strict with one idea and didn't change it. This is an important aspect to considerate because it mean that Obama is sure of his ideas and policies. Romney has very old principles that would bring US back half a century.

  3. I ma not surprised because for one i believe Obama had many electorial votes and two there were more people that wanted Obama to have a second term. Although it was a close election there are still more people in the United States that can relate to the problems Obama wants to fix. Like John said, althoug Obama didn't win by as much as he did four years ago, there were just enough to people to not want Romney as the next president because of hoe unclear he has been on many issues. Obama was more straight foward which helled him a lot in his campaign.

    1. I totally agree that Obama's win was no surprise. I really likedthe point you brought when you said that there are as many people that don't want Romney as a president. He has shown to be very unclear and unprecise. I also agree that many people relate to Obama's suggestio s and solutions. I also think a lot of people are actually happy and satisfied with his past four years as president, therefore they want to prolong this succesful power. Obama has been a very fair and intelligent president that deserved to win again. So yes, I agree it was no surprise.

    2. I also agree with your comment about how there were so many people that didn't want Romney as president that Obama had a better chance, because even the people who did not want Obama to win were still less inclined to vote for Romney. It also seems like Romney did not have the best intentions due to how much he lied during the campaigne. It definitly made the public question his motives for running for presidency. Because Obama had a weak opponent, it was no surprise to me that he won this election.

  4. I was not surprised that Obama won. Although I do believe it was a close election I think people assumed it was much closer than it actually was. Even though Obama wasn't able to accomplish everything he promised in 2008, no president ever does. I think people held that against him without realizing that he kept a significant amount of the promises he made in 2008. As my previous class mates stated, Although Obama didnt win by as much as he did in the previous election, he still won by a significant amount. I think that the voters realized that Obama actually did have a very positive effect on this country and werent comfortable with electing and allowing a new president to take control without giving Obama more time to make the change the voters so badly desire.
    - Ali

    1. I agree with Ali. I wasn't suprised by the fact that Obama won, and I do think that it is a close election as well. From my perspective, Obama issued a lot of benefitial laws, and he did accomplish his promises. Also, since Obama was the former president, his effort and achievements can be seen clearly by the public compared to Romney. Overall, Obama could be a good president for the U.S. during his new term.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I completely agree with Ali. This year it was not a big surprise that Obama was re-elected. May be back in 2008, it was a greater surprise that Obama became a president, and everybody got excited. However, this year not everyone as happy as back in 2008, because he didn't accomplish his promises. On the other hand, no president can do that, in Russia we even make some jokes that Putin promises to give more promises. Furthermore, Obama won his last possible term, he will work this term much harder then 4 years ago, so we could do as much as he can.

  5. I wasn't surprised by Obama's win because most of the people i would talk to about the election (from different backgrounds) would say to me that they were voting for Obama because they had more faith in him than they did in Romney.

    1. I agree with you on this one. People of the U.S. knew how Obama was as a leader/president. They trusted him and they believed that he would make sure to get the problems of U.S. solved as much as he could.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I can mostly agree with the Post of John. It was merely the fan-base that Obama had acquired in the last election (2008) that helped Obama win. Romney although he was not very popular amongst the Lower classes had the right ideas to change. I felt that Americans who were blessed with the power to chose a president that matters to all of us should have though more about who they vote for. I am not saying that every Democrat is wrong but many are. Those who do not think about voting or just vote as a act of group pressure should probably not vote next time.

    4. I agree with Arianna because Obama's background appeals to more people due to the fact that Romney is very religious and kept combining his religious beliefs with politics, such as wanting abortion to be legal. In modern times, most people believe in the right to chose things like that. I feel like it made most of the population uncomfortable with the fact that a former Mormon bishop would be the president of the United States. Because he let his religous beliefs interfere with the election, it was no surprise that Obama had won because of the greater amount of the population he appealed to.

  6. I was not surprised by Obama winning the election. The majority of news stations had already guessed the outcome and were pretty spot on. A big advantage for Obama is the fact that he is president already, this caused some argument because of our economic crisis, however Obama countered this to his best abilities by using the fact he did so much for the auto industry. Though Romney has experience in the business world more so then Obama it may not be best to run a country like a business.

    -Ryan M

    1. I totally agree with what you said, Ryan! I love that someone said that a country is not all about business. There are a ton of things that have to be taken care of in a country like healthcare and immigrations for example. I believe that Obama has a very good plan for what is going to happen in the future (again, not about business) and he will take care of it as a president with a large point of view should (hope you understand the last idea :D).


    2. Amen on that note! I agree as well with Ryan you, Tudor. There is more to a country than money, in fact the well being of the people in my opinion defines the success of a country.

  7. I was not surprised because the predictions going into the election were that Obama would win popular and electoral college votes. It may have seemed as though Mitt Romney was going to win the popular vote because the night of the election he was leading ahead of Obama. In the morning, it became clear the Obama had won both, which wasn't shocking because he everyone had the clear idea that Obama was going to be the next President.

    1. Jake,
      I completely agree with you because even if some days before the presidential election Obama was behind Romney it was clear that he was going to win because of the electoral college votes. People trusted more in an "old" Obama than a "new" Romney.

  8. I was not surprised that President Obama was re-elected whatsoever. I think President Obama's supporters did not really think twice about voting for him again because so many people are in love with him, and it is said that 4 years is not enough to have significant change. Yes, he did lose some "undecided" voters due to unfulfilled promises, but not nearly enough to impact him to lose the election. On top of that, it's very difficult for the current president to not get re-elected because people already somewhat trust him.

    1. Actually I was not surprised by president Obama win because it was kind of obvious that Mitt Romney was not ready for being the president of a big country that helps the world.Also, Obama was most commonly to win because he was being president for 4 years before, and Romney was not the guy useful for this nation.

      Alejandro, I wanted to say that I completely agree with you because of all you said in your opinion. In my opinion was more likely to be elected president again after 4 years of being president.

    2. I completely agree with you Giacomo. Romney is not quite ready to be president in that he can not connect with the majority of American people who are middle class. Obama has proven his relate ability with us, and for that reason I think America wanted to give another chance to improve our country.

    3. I agree with both of you I was not surprised Obama won the elections. First of all Mitt Romney was highly seen as a hypocrite and change his plan from state to state. Second although Obama broke some promises he worked as hard as he could for this not to happen and to keep USA i

  9. I was not surprised by Obama's win because I've talked to many americans and they told me about that. Also because the predictions of the elections said that Obama was going to have more votes. I think that many people voted Obama because they were sure about his work in the previous four years.

    1. Giorgio,
      I agree with what you're saying. Obama was predicted to win both popular and electoral college votes, and although some say it was a "close" election, I believe Obama was going to win because he related with the greater population of people more than Romney did.

    2. I agree with Giorgio. Every poll I saw had Obama winning by a lot. I am not surprised at all that the americans you talked to voted Obama

  10. I am not really surprised by Obama's win because it was quite predictable. Also, not many people had faith in Mitt Romney;still, Obama has more supporters he has gotten throughout last 5 years.

  11. I wasn't surprised that President Obama has been re-elected once more. Our teacher told us that the election was very close, but I knew Obama was going to win. I believe that the job he has done in the past 4 year, specially, determined his reelection. As Hussong said, i think that many people didn't think about considering Romney for the election, since everyone is already used to Obama's policy.

    1. I wasnt suprised either, although i was in favor for Romney. Obama has great people skills and abilities to connect with his audience, that is something that Romney lacked a lot of. And it was also percieved from his audience that Romeny couldnt possibly understand the middle and lower classes situation beucase of his wealthy background.
      -United States ( Olivia Herbert)

  12. Isabel (Italy),

    I was not surprised by Obama winning the election because for so much time he was the top of the popular and electoral college votes. Although I was a little scared when Mitt Romney was winning the popular vote because I really thought that Mitt Romney wouldn't be a good President for the United States. I think that when he was talking in speeches he would only say what people wanted to hear, but that he wouldn't actually do what he said in speeches. Instead Obama was always saying the truth and what he would really do, he was more honest and I am really happy that he won.

  13. I wasn't surprised about Obama winning because I thought he was a better candidate than Romney. First of all, more people liked Obama because he was the president for the last four years. Then his speeches in the debates were really good(/except for the first one). The lower class also (mostly) supported Obama because Romney could not possibly know the daily problems that a lower class family goes through as he is from a higher class.

  14. I wasnt surprised at all. Americans trust to Obama a lot. Especially after Bush he was their miracle. So they wanted to keep him as their miracle s.

  15. I agree with all of those who are not surprised. Obama was mostly in the top of the popular and electoral college votes. Obama is much more straight forward; while Romney was not clear enough. I think US people already trust Obama, and they comfortable with him. The best for them was to keep him. And in my personal opinion I think he was a better candidate than Romney as well.

  16. I was not surprised to see that Obama won. First of all I think he relates more to the American people than Romney does. Secondly because Romney (in my opinion) passed the idea that nothing was going to get better for the population in general, but it would get better to the rich people of the country; while, Obama makes me feel that the Americans in general are going to have a better situation.

    1. I agree, Obama does look better in the majority of American's eyes. Romney had trouble appealing to women, which hurt him very much in his campaigning. Romney also came off as uninterested in the lower class's problems, and many thought of him as a rich, selfish businessman who didn't understand the difficulties of the lower class.

  17. I was honestly surprised with Obama's victory as I thought Americans were't happy about what he was doing or in other words, how he maintained his promises. I thought Romney would have won as he seemed to me a capable "businessman" able to get the entire world out of the crisis by make other countries follow an American methodic leading wagon.

    1. I agree with you. I believe that if Romney could of highlighted Obama's shortcomings in Obama's first term more drastically then Romney would have won. I feel like the majority of people wanted and needed change, but Romney didn't provide them with enough incentive to move away from Obama.

  18. I was not surprised. However, at a certain moment I thought that Romney actually had a chance to win, after the second debate. Obama was not negligent nor disrespectful in his campaign. Romney on the other hand, he had a terrible and confusing campaign. In his campaign, He said bad things about the people and absurd things. Also, Obama has always been really charismatic, and he gains a lot of attention in the U.S I knew Obama would win because in the last four years, he did good things for the U.S.

    1. I agree with Dr. Manzali. I believe that Romney expressed dirty campaigning skills whereas Obama took a more honest approach. I found that when it came to debating, Obama didn't do as well the first time, but really made his point the second time around. Romney, on the other hand, was not particularly respectful towards Obama in either debates and this must have been the decline of Romney's popularity. As said by Taylor Swift, "It is hard to fight when the fight ain't fair."

      - Jenna Anderson

  19. I am not surprised that Obama won this election of 2012. He listened to the citizens needs and he promised them to accomplish it. Obama is a democrat and this gave him benefit. He was a much better candidate. Obama's speeches were more convincing than Romany's. He only said things that citizens wanted to hear, but at a point I got surprised. When Romney started winning, I got a little bit nervous. If Romney won, it wouldn't be easy for Americans.

    1. I agree, Romney was not a strong candidate. He wasn't clear and straight forward. He also lacked strength. He was always looking for Obama's weaknesses and mistakes instead of making new improvements himself. I am not surprised, and I am glad that Obama won.

  20. I think I'd more suprised, if Romney had won. I'm not sure if Romney was well-known in the US before the election, but for world he was like basically from nowhere and it would not be good for his foreign policies to be random guy because nobody knows him.
    Obama has been a president for four years and he had an opportunity to rule the country, to show what he can do, and to see what he can improve. Plus, during his presidency the world economic crisis happend and I think it was a 'great' test for him. In addition, he saved the country from the second great depression.
    Obama showed that he has great plans for domestic and foreign policies, but what about Romney?

    1. I agree with Diana 100%. It's a great point that no one else knew about Romney before the election whereas Obama had 4 years to show what he can do. I also think that the president has to be involved with other countries in the world and not just the United States. Maybe if Romney had shown more interest in other countries or more support for lower class population of the US he could have won. But Obama did a great job of being a well-rounded president the last 4 years and I think that's what got him the reelection.

  21. Yes. I was surprised by Obama's victory since I was on Romney side. I still believe that he would be a better president than Obama for he could surely come up with some magnificent ideas to recover the US economy as an experienced businessman.

  22. I was not surprised to see Obama reelected, because first of all he did a good job last for years.For example, he managed to pull down unemployment, and he helped to solve the crisis in Gaddafi. On the other hand, Romney was I a strong adversary for Obama thus because he is a businessman, with a lot of experience, but now, in my opinion, USA don't need to reinforce economy, but they need to listen to Americans, do what they want. For example, legalization of cannabis would calm the minority of people, and bring economical advantages, paper and medicines.
    Let me know what to you think, and have a nice day!

    1. I agree with David ideas! Most people say that Obama didn't do a lot during these 4 years. The reason was that he was afraid that by taking a strong decision for US would have changed their minds and would have had fewer chances to be reelected again. This is his second term and I think in these last 4 years ,as a president, he will try his upmost. Another strong action that he made was declaring in favor of gay marriage before the elections. I support what David said about Obama's decisions took these last 4 years. He ended the war in Iraq while Romney would have left thousands of Americans soldiers there following the idea of Bush administration neoconservatives. Obama has great abilities of listening to Americans and try to do everything to help their lives while Romney said what the crowd wanted to hear. However it's true that the economy of US is somehow unstable right now and we would need Romney's help but his ideas are too old and US wouldn't move forward.

    2. I always kind off knew that Obama was going to win. Mitt Romney had the potentail to be a good president, but I think Obama just appealed more to America than Romney did. I think Romney constantly changing positions on certain topics and his inability to really apeal to the lower and middle class made it very hard for him to win even if it was very close election in the end.

    3. I agree, Romney did change his ideas which made it seem like he was unsure of himself, whereas Obama was more concrete in his decisions.

    4. I agree with David's point. What the country needs is someone who not only will strengthen the economy but also someone who will listen to the voices of the citizens and give them what they want.

  23. i believe that it was close but throughout the night it became very obvious that it would again become Obamas house. Once obama won ohio i believe there was a huge weight lifted from my shoulders, and at that point it was obamas race once again

  24. In my opinion, I am not necesarilly surprised by the outcome of the presidential race. I had originally thought that there was a chance for Romney to win, but I always had the feeling that Romney was the underdog the whole way through.Even though it seemed that many of his original supporters were starting to think differently about his campaign, there was always a lot of support for him. The media supported him tremendously, which can very easily influence people, and especially voters who do not pay attention to the actual issues in the country. There were always moments when Obama started to falter, but the media and Americans found a way to get back on his side. The media also did a good job of portraying Romney as a bad person, which easily influenced many voters.

    1. Dear Admiral W. Arnold,
      You seem to be flip flopping in your answer. At first you say the media was supporting Romney but then at the end the media did a good job as portraying Romney as a bad person. Please explain and clarify your thoughts!

    2. My apologies Jimmy i didn't say obama's name in the start of the paragraph.

  25. Even though there was a competition between Romney and Obama where both of the candidates were strong, I am not surprised to see Obama getting reelected.
    Mostly because I was actually on Obama's side, but generally Romney lied a lot and made false promises and I truly believe I was a strong competition, but would be a disaster as a leader.

  26. Obama's reelection did not come as a surprise to many. His campaign in 2008 was highly successful and he quickly became a very popular candidate. All the attention he's received these past four years for his various policies such as his drastic medicare plan, have also added to his popularity amongst certain groups of voters. In this particular election, Obama's immense popularity amongst the media was a huge help in his campaign. Romney did not gain momentum in the presidential race until the end, at which point he had already fallen short. Although it was predicted that the race would be closer than the results of the actual outcome, Obama still significantly won by over a 100 votes.

  27. I was mostly surprised by how close the election was. Almost half of the United States appealed to Romney as well. We need to realize that half of the United States doesn't agree with Obama's policy. He needs to make some major changes in his plan to appeal to the other half of the U.S. but in conclusion, no i wasn't surprised because I felt Obama, even with his flaws is a more well rounded candidate than Romney.

    1. I agree with Chris because i feel that Obama is a lot more well rounded and has far more experience leading the country than a businessman. Overall I'm not surprised that Obama won because he had the vote of many different types of people where as Romney mainly had the vote of adult males.

  28. I am not surprised that Obama won re-election. Many people were upset with how Obama has handled the economy in his first term however what some people don't put into consideration is that when Obama came into presidency in 2008 the economy was in terrible shape. Although the economy is not where we would all like it to be at the moment, Obama has improved it since 2008 and I believed that if given this second term it would continue to improve(and people realize this) which is why I assumed he would win re-election.

    1. I agree with Arielle, one thing that everyone seems to be forgetting is that Obama told us that all the problems with the economy would not be fixed in his four years. He has done a good job of getting it up and I think that is one of the reasons why he was re-elected.

  29. Due to my own perspective, almost all of the people I know were for Romney from the get go and that really made me think that Romney was bound to win the election. I honestly thought that after the first debate that Obama had no chance. Most people in the US didn't see an improvement in the economy and overlooked the good that happened under Obama's presidency and saw the things that he had promised in the 2008 election, but that unfortunately didn't happen. I also believe that people later acknowledged the fact that Obama worked extremely hard in office, and was put in an extremely tough position to begin with. Most Americans voted for Obama because they wanted to see him fulfill those promises that he made in 2008.
    -Dani Devor

  30. I am not surprised at all by the relection of obama. This doesnt surprise me because the social media was very supportive of obama which can sway the vote of many voters. Also Many voters were very pleased with the presidency of obama which was the lead to his re election

  31. i am not surprised because the of think things he is trying to acomplish for the country such as stabling our economy and any president elected for two terms is bound to make a difference.

  32. I'm not surprised at all that Obama won re-election. When he was elected in 2008, the economy was really bad. And according to me, Obama did a good job during his first term and needed another term to finish what he started. So, even if the country was pretty divided on which president should run the United States, early polls during the campaigning revealed that a lot of people believed that Obama will fulfill the promises he made in 2008 if he was re-elected. Moreover, the several presidential debates show Romney's weaknesses which had only increased Obama's support, especially by women. This is why I was confident that Obama was going to win re-election.

    -Capucine Tuffier

    1. I support your argument about Obama's reelection, because there was only so many risks he could take as not to hurt his chances of being reelected. And now that he has I feel that he will also complete lot of unfinished business, in addition to the promises he made in his first election.

  33. The reelection of Obama didn't surprise me because Obama has always been a popular choice amongst the majority of the country. I think that most of his popularity from the 2008 election carried him through this election as well.

    1. I agree with Taylor, Obama was very popular in our country especially with celebrities. I think the fact that Obama had people like Oprah, Jay-Z, and Katy Perry supporting him influenced a lot of Americans who do not really understand politics.

  34. I was slightly surprised by his win mostly because of the mainly Republican environment I have been proceeding in but throughout it all I kept faith in my heart that he would succeed in winning due to his popularity with the majority in our country. Romney had an equally strong campaign, but the flaw of the matter was he was not able to reach a broad enough audience of voters. Especially when it came to his plans once in office, which in my personal opinion were viewed as apprehensive and transmute.

  35. Speaking for myself as a young person, which most young American persons did vote for Obama, I was not surprised by the outcome of the election. In my prospective, I feel as though Mitt Romney's views, which are quite conservative pretaining to conflicts of 2012, would have backdated the country. This is not the 1950's anymore where most were ignorant towards new ways of life (gay marriage, woman's right to choose, ect.), and I was not surprised when the majority of young Americans acknowledged that fact and voted for Obama.
    - Jenna Anderson

    1. The fact that gay marriage and women's rights are all that people focus on when they think of Obama is precisely the problem. These issues are extremely unimportant on a scale of things that need to be fixed about this country. Instead of focusing on such minuscule topics, Americans need to realize that this country's economy is in a terrible state due to Obama's historically poor handling of the economy. The national debt has risen 5.2 trillion dollars since Obama was sworn in, trillions more than any other president before him. People (particularly young people) need to recognize the degree of importance on the issues at hand. The economy should be our first priority and given Mitt Romney's business experience he is the best of the two candidates to fix our economy and turn this great nation around.

      -Jack Little

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. I was not surprised that Obama won the re-election. I personally think that Obama did a good job as a president in the 1st term. Also, Obama had many solid Obama voting states whereas Romney had many states, but not the main states that counted more. Although I was not surprised with Obama's victory as 2nd term president, I was surprised that he won all the undecided voters. I think that this shows how Obama's speech was strong and convincing, and that he has the ability to understand and show how he is capable in speaking what the citizens expect a president to be.

  37. Obama's reelection did not surprise me. Obama was given a tough job when he became president in 2008 because of the economic problems and the war we are in. Even though the polls showed that the race was close, I was confident that he would win. It think Obama has done a good job stabilizing the economy and bringing troops home. I also feel that Romney was not able to connect with enough of the population because of his social standing and it was a big factor in him losing the election. In my opinion, Obama was the obvious leader in the race for president.

  38. I wasn't necessarily surprised that Obama won the presidential election, however I don't believe it was an easy win for him. This election year, I don't think either party put out an adequate presidential candidate; Obama didn't live up to all of his promises from 2008 and lost a lot of support from 4 years ago and Romney was far too conservative and uncompromising for a first-world country in this day and age. What the country needs right now is unification. We are far to split right now to make any decisions and the government will not be able to do much without support from both parties because the republicans control the house and the democrats control the senate. During this election, democrats were blinded by the problems we were already facing and didn't bother putting out another presidential candidate because, alright, Obama has done pretty well. However, Obama didn't get support from any republicans and he lost support from some of his previous supporters. Romney on the other hand was far too conservative for our country as we are now and his ideas could cause drastic change to existing programs that need not be changed. if that change were to occur, the country would surely be pushed back, both politically and socially.

  39. I was kind of surprised that Obama won re-election. While it was well-known that he was the favorite in the race, it looked like Romney could have won because of the amount of support he was able to gain as the election went on. However, I believe that Obama's strength in social policy won him the election, and I feel that the election came down to social policy. Romney's ability to lose the women vote so drastically hurt his results. Obama's ability to reach out to the minorities won him the election as well. I believe that Romney would have won if he would have been able to keep the women vote and win the vote of the minorities.

  40. I was not surprised at all for a few reasons. President Obama supports some very key issues in todays society such as Pro choice and gay marriage, where as Romney would revoke a women's right to abort her pregnancy. Also Romney is not a firm supporter of gay marriage which now-a-days has become more popular and known to the general population via parades and other expressive manners. Obama also has the ability to connect with to general population or majority where Romney on numerous occasions has displayed his inability to connect with America. That alone is a major unfixable issue for Romney and that is why President Obama is better fit to be president in comparison to Mitt Romney.

  41. I was not surprised when Obama won the election because he is more appealing to the majority of U.S. citizens. Obama won over the women because he is pro women's rights. Romney is more reserved and is not a big supporter of gay marriage and abortions, Obama on the other hand is supportive of those. Obama has to work on the economy because he could have lost the election to Romney because the economy is in bad shape. Obama supports the majority of the U.S. population which I believe is what got him re-elected. I was not surprised by Obama winning the election but I was not happy that he did.

    1. Most republicans fail to realize that Obama is actually growing the economy. He inherited a terrible economy from George W Bush. He saved the entire Auto Industry from collapse

  42. I wasn't particularly surprised when Obama won the election. I assumed he would, but I thought it would be a much closer election. I thought Romney would get most of the swing states, and come very close to beating Obama. But, especially after Florida was decided Obama's, Obama seemed to win by quite a lot. My prediction for the electoral votes was for it to come down to a few votes difference. In the end, Obama gained way more than the needed 270 to win, which was the most surprising for me. I don't know how, but Obama ended up winning every single swing state.

  43. I wasn't extremely surprised that Obama won the election, but I did have some doubts about who was going to win. I think when it came down to it, Obama was able to realize how diverse this nation has become and by being able to find a happy medium for many people, it helped gain support. I don't really think that this year's candidates were all too impressive, but I think Romney made some major errors during his campaigning and he, possibly without knowing it, was a bit too narrow minded for such a diverse nation that we live in.

  44. I was very surprised that Obama was reelected. I thought that Obama's handling of the economy given that we are trillions and trillions of dollars more in debt we are than when he took office would be enough to sway voters towards Romney given his economic stature and experience. Many of my classmates and others supported Obama because of his social views such as gay marriage, abortion, and immigration. In my opinion, these issues are nowhere near the same ballpark as fixing our economy in terms of degree of importance. Romney is stronger on the key issues and more qualified to turn this country around.

    1. Dear Mr. Little,

      I believe you forgot the fact that Barak Obama has been a "sitting duck" his first two years because of the mess George Bush, another republican, left behind. Also, money is not everything. I believe we should take the "invisible hand" approach to the economy and not let federal government get involved. Another thing, "more qualified" is something that is opinionated in terms of qualification. If America believes being more qualified for the presidential chair is supporting human rights such as gay marriage and abortion, then so be it. That is, in fact, how America ended up voting anyway. You would be amazed at how many human rights issues are still a problem in this country today. Romney, on his religious pedestal, as president would create an extremely biased president, which I believe most Americans feared during the election. Now I'm not saying money is not anything, but I am saying that in an election, voters seek an overall well rounded president where all his or her talk is not just about money.

      Jenna Anderson

  45. I was not surprised by Obamas reelection. Obama handled the tragedy of Hurricane Sandy really well and related to the victims by really helping them out. Obama did a good job of staying neutral. He did not have any terrible or amazing speeches, but it was just enough to make America realize all that he did for us through his past 4 years. In the end, this was enough to get him reelected.

    1. I agree with Demi on these points, there were certain things Obama handled really well. But overall I don't think he has done a good enough job, to be President for another 4 years. I thought it was time that someone new came in, and all though a lot of people don't think Romney had the best intrest for everyone, I thought he would have been a good president. I also didn't think Obama was going to win in such a landslide, I thought it was going to be a very close call.

  46. I was not surprised by Obama's reelection because I believe that his social policy appealed to a number of women as well as minorities. Although most people agreed that Romney's economic policy was better than that of Obama, Romney's controversial social policy backfired, and seemed to be the decisive factor in this election.

    1. I agree with you entirely. Obama totaly won over thw women vote.

    2. I agree also because Romneys economic policy was stronger, and seemed like a positive solution for the current economic state of the U.S. Although, Obama was the stronger contestant out of the two because his social policies related more to women and minorities than Romneys.

  47. I was surprised. Obama missed the chance of economic resurgence.And his policy did not improve the employment rate. He was a great speaker but he did not solve american economy problems. As a president, he did not give american hope and confidence.

  48. I was not at all surprised by Obamas reelection because during his first election his was super popular and he really didn't do anything during his first term to lose any popularity at all. His efforts during hurricane sandy was very presidential and i was not surprised at all about his reelection.

  49. I was not surprised that Obama was reelected. Obama was able to gain more supporters than Romney because he supported abortion and gay marriage, and unlike Romney, he didn't think immigrants should be deported. He also dealt with the Hurricane Sandy disaster well. I believe that many people were aware that the economy was already in a bad condition before Obama took over in 2008 so they couldn't blame entirely on him for the poor economy, thus gave him another chance to be President.

  50. I was not surprised by Obama wining the electoral college. However the popular vote was closer which i predicted because Obama promised the US a certain employment rate and he was over 9 million jobs short. He did not fulfill some of his promises and that's why a president isn't exactly brilliant to make a promise he cannot keep with his country.

  51. I was not surprised that Obama was re-elected. I think he did a better job in his first term than most people give him credit for. I believe he influenced a lot of Americans just by his speeches. His speeches are always very powerful and inspiring.

  52. I was not surprised by Obama's victory. The lack of surprise didn't come from his achievements as president because they were greatly under appreciated. I wasn't surprised because of the many ways that Romney couldn't relate to the people and the fact that America didn't make his intentions out to be good ones. The way Romney ran his campaign me to believe that he didn't have all of the America's best interests at heart. That is why I'm not surprised at Obama's re-election.

  53. I was surprised that Obama was re-elected, because almost everyone I talked to was a big Romney supporter. I found that there were a lot more teenagers who were Romney supporters, but most adults I spoke to were for Obama.

  54. I was not surprised that Obama was re-elected. I found it interesting that there were a lot of young adults from our school who were Romney supporters, yet most of my friends who live Downtown were Obama supporters. I found it humorous that the people who spoke about the election on Facebook just stated who they supported and when they were asked a question they didn't have an answer for exactly why THEY supported them. They did give reasons why they would do best but they didn't really give their opinion about it.

    1. I also found it interesting that the Senior Class of LJCDS voted a lot for Romney. It is different than the majority of young voters in the United States

  55. I was not surprised when Obama won his second term because he could relate to the common people about their problems and tell them that he has been in their shoes in his up bringing.He also took big steps in improving the economy from where it was in 2008, when he took office. Also, I didn't believe that any of the republican candidates were qualified for the position of president and that Mitt Romney dug himself deeper into a hole as the election year went on with how he presented himself, as a rich businessman who only cared for the rich, that eventually sunk him.

  56. I was not surprised that Obama was re-elected. The democratic party had a solid hold of many states with high electoral votes, and also Obama spoke to the greater portion of the population, the middle and lower classes. Although Romney had a business background, i believe the people felt safer with Obama because his campaign was focused on "listening to the people".

  57. i was not surprised at this because obama has more of the minority vote. Romney had a harsher immigration policy making the latinos not want to vote for him. He also had most of the black vote. Romney really only won the white male vote.

  58. I was not surprised by the Obama's win because the general population of the United States believed that Romney did not have people skills. In my opinion, you need people skills to win a popular vote. Also, I was not surprised because of the leak of Romney's video about needing to talk to just 10% of the population.

  59. I was not surprised at all by Obamas reelection. His people skills make him quite popular. Even though he has not done very well economically, the american people still believe he can accomplish what he said he could do 4 years ago. Hurricane Sandy I believe really helped him and Bill Clinton.

    1. I find it interesting how much Bill Clinton's popularity has shot up. I think because of this that HIllary may gain more support in 2016 and be able to be president of the United States

  60. I was not surprised by Obama's win at all. I think a lot of the people that were surprised may not have taken into account the amount of women, young people, and minorities that would vote for Obama over Romney. Many women did not vote for him because of his extreme views on women's issues. Some may think that men may not care about these issues, but they do. They have mothers, sisters, daughters, etc. who would all be effected. Also, Romney didn't get minority votes due to his immigration policy and conservative social opinions.

  61. I was not surprised by Obama's win. I was a little surprised however how one sided the election was. Obama has the vote from minorities and women. As time goes on I think a new party will emerge in place of the Republicans because the Democrats are also more popular with the younger generation. It will be interesting to see what happens to the Republican party

  62. I wasn't really surprised although our family was leaning more towards Mitt Romney. I mean I'm from Korea and Korea is geared towards Republican more,because of the wealthy people. Also, Republican presidents in US (for example, George W Bush) helped us a lot in building FTA with Korea and buidling relationships with Korea. However, I was able to predict that US wants Obama more than Romney because US is now more...liberal i guess the country needs someone who can fix the stereotypical society because Obama is just like that. Also, Obama had more minority voting for him, because he targeted people who are in the different social levels, which i thought it was a good approach

  63. Nicholas Smith (USA)

    I was incredibly surprised that the American people could reelect someone that lied to us in 2008, someone that promised to reduce our debt and instead only added to it. All the facts show that Obama has failed to do his job as president and has only managed to worsen our economic situation. It's unbelievable to me that the American people could reelect someone who has only made things worse.

    1. I don't think it's that surprising. Unfortunately, a large group of voters, don't have the education or care to actually look at statistics. I bet a lot of people didn't even watch the speeches or debates. So just by comparison in appearance and the exaggerations of greatness that they hear from others, they vote for Obama.

  64. Juan Pablo Bustamante (USA)

    I wasn't surprissed, I felt Obama was a lot more popular. I did have a feeling that it was going to be a close election.

  65. I was not suprised by obamas reelection. He had majority of the female vote just based upon his belief in roe vs. wade. I believe that is what reassured him his victory. He also had a lost of votes from minority which romney didnt have.

  66. I was not surprised by Obamas reelection at all because Obama appealed to a more diverse group. Obama also appealed to more women, and younger voters than Romney. Romneys views may have been perceived as too conservative for voters to relate to. Overall, Obama had a major advantage in the election due to his appeal to more diverse groups of people.

  67. Not at all. Although I personally feel that Romney was a better choice for America, I was not surprised by Obama's victory. He is wildly popular with minorities, women and the middle class, all of which make up the vast majority of our population. It only makes sense that someone who appeals to the largest sections of our population would win the election, regardless of how qualified or capable he is. Sadly, in the end, the Presidential Election is just one giant popularity contest.

  68. Guillermo Willson ( Venezuela )

    I was not surprised with Obamas vote, however Romney was a better and more grounded candidate. Obama had a surprising ability with the minorities. Obama had a sure vote with the minorities of ALL states, plus the usual votes of his political party. this made him him have a sure 55% of the votes in my opinion.

  69. I'm not surprised, but maybe it's just because I'm living in a strongly democratic state. there was so much talk about elections in my household this year, because both the Mexican election and the US election happened on the same year. Obama was very much like the Mexican candidate that should've won and didn't win, so I was certainly looking forward to Obama's win.

  70. I wasn't particularly surprised by Obama's win even though it looked like it was going to be a very close race. Mainly, my conjecture was based on demographic statistics. While Romney's voters were mostly white males, Obama received the votes of most woman, African Americans, and Hispanics. This advantage gave him the edge that he needed to pull ahead. Additionally, Obama has the support of large states such as California that has a lot of electoral votes.

  71. I found it no surprise that Obama won because he appealed to more people of different backgrounds than opponent did. Also, people that did not like Obama were more likely to vote for him anyways because they didn't want Romney to win.

  72. It was not a surprise for me that Obama won the election because Romney's campaign only supported white people and since the US is a multicultural country it was really hard for him to win. The thing that really surprised me was how closed was the popular vote, which shows how devided the country is.

  73. I was a little surprised. America saw how Obama had caused the national debt to rise, and how his "change" was for the worse. Desprite this, he did appeal to more people than Romney did. Therefore, it was going to be a close race. Since Obama had the advantage of not being deemed someone who couldn't relate or connect to middle class Americans, he was in fact able to win.
