
From Lugano to La Jolla....what a remarkable amalgam of ideas, insights, and perspectives. Welcome to this site. Mr. Izsa (TASIS) and Mrs. Shaul (LJCDS) invite you to join us in our conversations about the history and the realities of America's history and culture--from a decidedly international perspective.

Each month a new series of questions will be posted here by Mr. Izsa and Mrs. Shaul. Please click on the blog posts and write in your comments for the questions below, per your teacher's instructions.

Please make certain that entries are thoughtfully written (check for typos and grammatical faux pas), as erudite as you can make them, and appropriately worded for a school-related activity (note: students from other parts of the world may not share your same philosophies or your same sense of humor, so please be mindful of our differences).

With every blog session assigned, one or two can be direct responses to the questions, but at least one MUST respond directly to the students who have already written posts, answering one thread per question (more is welcome, this is the minimum requirement).Be specific. Explain why you might agree or disagree with their (his/her) opinions. Feel free to "debate" or "discuss" with your international counterpart. Make sure we can identify you with your name so you can receive credit for your contributions.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Question 1: debate winners

1. Who won the presidential debates, and why?


  1. Giorgio (Italy)

    Obama won it because of his speech capacity. He now has more experience and he knows how to persuade people

    1. i completely agree with you Giorgio, his confidence in himself is easy to see and it bring me peace to see him so confident in these cases. he is the better speaker by far and never falters in his ideals.

    2. I'm happy to see that there are people that think about it like i do. You said that he has confidence in himself, and I completely agree with this adjective.

    3. Isabel (Italy),

      I totally agree with you Giorgio, I really believe that Obama, since he had already been president for the last 4 years, he now has more experience on speeches and he learned by his mistakes and he now knows what to do.

    4. I agree with Giorgio, this dabate was first for Obama, but Romney has done a lot of them. That's why Obama lost this dabate, but right now he knows more and he will be more successful in the next debates, because he understood how to behave himself during debates.

    5. I agree with Giorgio. Although Romney was more prepared in the debate, Obama was very prepared to get re-elected as a president. I could tell that he was more experienced and he wanted all the levels and ranges of social level to be successful. But Romney only targeted towards..wealthy people which i think it's unfair.

  2. Giacomo (Switzerland)
    I think that Obama won the presidential elections because the people one had to make as judges, we most attracted by Obama. Obama believe in self-reliance and individuals initiatives. Students that are out there, he wants to fight for them because if the they succeed the world succeed.

  3. In the last debate it was Obama who won the debate because he was more ready for his speech than he was in the first debate.

  4. Abby(Taiwan)
    In my opinion, Romney won the presidential debates because his presentation impressed the majority. His argument was clear and his attitude was very positive. In contrast, Obama didn't behave that well. It seemed that he was tired and not concentrated. The poll also showed that people have more confidence in Romney.

    1. I agree with Abby. Romney won the debates because he had a clear presentation of what he wants to do to help this country and the economy.

    2. I am glad that we have the same point of view.
      However, I am still happy about the result of the presidential election. Are you?

    3. I agree with Abby. It was too obvious that Romney won the debate . He had very clear opinion with strong supporting ideas in contrast to Obama, who seemed completely lost in the debate!

  5. Eva (Turkey)
    Romney won the presidential debate because he was getting ready for this the whole time and Obama was busy being the president of a whole country. It is for sure not easy for Obama to both at the same time while all Romney had to do was to get ready for the elections. Even though the situation wasn't really fair, Romney still made a good debate and expressed is thoughts in a formal way, and was ready for any kind of answer he could get back from Obama. On the other hand, Obama was careless and was a weak debater.

  6. Chiara (Italy)
    In my opinion Obama won. Although the first time he wasn't prepared as he usually is, he knows well how to persuade people and gets what he wants. Romney performed better at first, but Obama is well known for his previous election and that's what will drive him to be the president once again.

  7. Lucy (Russia)
    In my opinion, Romney won the presidential debate. His speech was more prepared than Obama's, what really impressed most of the people. Mitt was extremely self-confident, and that worked for him perfectly. Mr President looked tired and quite not ready on Romney's background.

    1. I agree Lucy, although Romney did avoid a lot of questions. He was a lot more confident in his speech and body language.

  8. From my perspective I agree with Lucy to some extent. Romney had a very tactical and well organized answer to each question but he seemed to sway by changing his mind days later. Obama seemed to not have so many comebacks and stuck to the high ground by pointing out Romney's change in beliefs. Obama made it very clear what his goals for America are and he seems to be the likely candidate. This is because the majority of people want the benefits of Obama that he promised when he was elected for his first term and he should have another go at being president.

  9. i believe that obama won all of the debates. i believe its very important to listen to the reviews by the respective news stations. The amount of lies constantly spewing out of Romney mouth seems to be digging his grave for him in the reviews. Unfortunately i feel less people watch them than the debates.

    1. I totally agree with Sami about this. Some media resources are even making fun of the candidates. If we check the respective news stations like CNN, Fox News etc. I believe it is clear enough to see that Obama won most of them.

  10. although Romney was more prepared and relaxed than Obama, mr. president won. i agree with Saml about romney's lies. tha's one of the many things that brought Obama to the reelection, as everyone was expecting.

  11. Although Obama appeared a bit sluggish in the first debate he stepped up his game in the town hall debate and showed off his people skills. Overall Romney's performance in all of the debates was solid. However, Romney had his chance to be on the offensive and attack Obama but instead it was fairly matched and Obama didn't have to be on the defensive the whole time. I believe Obama won because he didn't have to defend himself and look weak.

    1. I agree with Ethan because I think a lot of people were quick to say that Romney won the first debate and there wasn't a clear winner for any of the three other debates. However, when the country looked back and actually listened to what Romney was saying during the first debate, informed voters felt as though they had been listening to a new Romney. I think Romney was better at the sport of debating and winning, but Obama was much stronger in relaying his campaign message and not vague plans for the future.

  12. Personally I thought that Obama was too modest in the first debate and maybe a tad over confident. He really didn't work/try hard to prove Romney wrong, and I would say that Romney definitely won over more people during the first. However in the second debate, Obama used foreign policy ( a strength of his) and really stepped up to the plate and improved his game as opposed to the first debate. Although Romney tried to prove to the American people that he was the better candidate for president, he still didn't explain what his plans really were, and his lack of extrapolation ultimately lead to his defeat in the debates as well as in the presidential election.

    -Dani Devor
