
From Lugano to La Jolla....what a remarkable amalgam of ideas, insights, and perspectives. Welcome to this site. Mr. Izsa (TASIS) and Mrs. Shaul (LJCDS) invite you to join us in our conversations about the history and the realities of America's history and culture--from a decidedly international perspective.

Each month a new series of questions will be posted here by Mr. Izsa and Mrs. Shaul. Please click on the blog posts and write in your comments for the questions below, per your teacher's instructions.

Please make certain that entries are thoughtfully written (check for typos and grammatical faux pas), as erudite as you can make them, and appropriately worded for a school-related activity (note: students from other parts of the world may not share your same philosophies or your same sense of humor, so please be mindful of our differences).

With every blog session assigned, one or two can be direct responses to the questions, but at least one MUST respond directly to the students who have already written posts, answering one thread per question (more is welcome, this is the minimum requirement).Be specific. Explain why you might agree or disagree with their (his/her) opinions. Feel free to "debate" or "discuss" with your international counterpart. Make sure we can identify you with your name so you can receive credit for your contributions.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Question 5: importance of US President

5. In your opinion, how important is the role of the president of the United States in influencing world events and politics? Why? Please provide concrete examples where possible.


  1. Eva (Turkey)
    I believe it is not important as it should be. Of course from out side the president looks as if he has all the force and the power to make the decisions for the United States, but now that I learn actually how everything works in the government it seems like the government is divided in to few branches and the the amount of power they have is similar to each other. The president just announces everything to the people and looks forceful.

    1. Arela
      I believe that the role of the president is important because I feel the USA feels more secure with one person they can say is in charge. Although, politically he doesn't have all the power he is sometimes thought to have, the president is important historically to our country. The role of the president give the United States something to be proud of since we have had a president from the very beginning of our country. I feel that, politically, having that one person in charge in office makes government more organized and again prevents one branch from gaining too much power, which is how our government was designed.

  2. I believe that the role of the president is not as important when influencing world events, it is more important as a public figure. This is because the president is the figure of the United States since people around the world recognize this person. Anyway, the decisions the president makes have to be approved by the legislative branch before being passed and interpreted by the judicial branch. I am not saying they have no power, since they do organize so many things and approves the other branches decisions. What I am saying is the from the outside the president seems to be a lot more powerful than he really is. The power divides between all branches.

  3. I think in some ways the role of the president is very important. Especially for world events(in my opinion that is). The president announces and decides on what happens around the U.S. He is just a person who presents everything that is decided in the three branches of the government. That still shows a lot of power because even if he is not the one to decide all things that change in the U.S. Or around the world he still holds enough power to change some of those himself.

  4. (Kike Willson) [Venezuela]

    The role that the US president plays is really important. The president normally is the face of a nation, the one who represents it. The impression that the US president gives to the world, is the way the world sees the US. For example when Obama came in as president left the impression that the US was finally a racism free invoroment.

    1. John Finkenberg (USA)

      The role of the president is an extremely important job. Although, his position gives this facade (at least to other nations) that he holds this ultimate power, when in actuality he doesn't. I sometimes believe that people that aren't the "face of the nation" are not given enough credit for the work they do behind the scenes.

      Guillermo, Although you make a good point about how the president is the face of the country, our country, is far from being a completely "racism free environment". I can completely understand how one would think that after the previous election but our nation, relatively new in it's age, is still working everyday to fight racism. The election of Barack Obama is a huge milestone in this country and true testament to other nations that we are on the path of being a more accepting.

      John Finkenberg

    2. Alexandra (USA)

      I believe that what Guillermo is saying is correct in some aspect. The US president is very much the figurehad of our country, and other nations definitely do make the connection between our leader and our country itself. However, I don't agree with Guillermo's statement about how the rest of the world views the US by whatever impression our president impress upon them.

      The United States has a long time history and current reputation for being a country with social, religious, and political freedoms. I believe that people around the world still view the US as a place where they will be able to express their rights. Our country has the potential to vote in a new president every 4 years. Therefore, the opinions and policies each president will have will take on varrying effects and influences on other nations.

    3. i believe that what guillermo is saying is correct in some aspect. The U.S president is very much the figurehead of outr country, and other nations definitely do make the connection between our leader and our country itself. However, i dont agree with guillermo's statement about how the rest of the world views the u.S by whatever impression our president impress upon them

    4. I agree with kike, I would also like to add that the USA beeing the world power it is is highly respected. And Obama therefore has great influence in decisions smaller countries will make as they want the USA on their good side for their own benefit.

  5. Isabel (Italy)
    The president of the United States is the head of the state and the government, so obviously it is not so simple to become President. Also because the President has to be elected by the people through the Electoral College. He has to prepare speeches and then have the courage to speak in front of million people. He has to decide whats best for the people, create laws and so many other things that after a while one could freak out. He has to be really patient and accept all the good and bad comments of the person.

    1. Isabel,
      Well done on this statement. I agree with what you have said here, and I think it is interesting to see an opinion from someone living outside of America. The answer to this is very complex, but Isabel stated the overall picture of what things look to be very well.

  6. Before taking US History class I thought that the figure of the president was fundamental. Now that I learned how the government really works I changed my opinion. He doesn't have complete power as i thought, but his/her face still represent the nation and the was foreign people will probable sees the US.

    1. I agree with Chiara, because before I thought that in the US it is the same as everywhere - the president is the main guy who decides everything. However, after I learned about the "checks and balances" system and I think it's the best example of democracy.
      Even though the president represents the country, he doesn't have that much power, so he cannot be 'the absolute ruler'; so, the fate of a country is depends on three branches that control each other, and not in the 'hands' of bad guys.

  7. Abby(Taiwan)
    The role of the US president is very important. The president represents the whole contry and holds a lot of important power. His role is significant in both world events and politics. Since he stands for his country, his behavior can matter a lot. Everyone focuses on him. The president's influence on politics is notable as well. His opinion could have a large effect. It is commonly acknowleged that the president's power could have affect the world.

  8. Angela (Italy)
    Previously, I used to think that the president was the most important person in the US government and that he was the one taking all the decisions. However, now that I'm taking US history, I know that the power is divided between three branches, and that the president doesn't actually have all the power for himself. Yet, I believe he is the most important figure while dealing with other countries, as he can declare war, make treaties or alliances with foreign powers. Therefore, of course his role is important, also because he is the face of his country.

    1. I agree with Angela. US is the most powerful nation in the world, so obviously, the president plays a huge role even outside the country. Although the government is divided into three parties, (the judicial, legislative, and the executive) still, the president's power is enormous. For example, USA is trying to bring back the economy by producing goods inside the country, not exporting to other countries to be made. This is a global issue because many countries will not benefit from this. These changes are made by the country, and the president, who is the leader of the strongest country, is very important globally.

  9. Although the president is known as the "highest power" of the United States. That title only goes so far and only means so much. Yes, the president does hold an immense amount of power in this country however, there are also many items and people in place to make sure that the president doesnt have absolute or even "too much power". His role is significant in that he has the power to declare war. The power is divided wgucg is always good but more importantly the president is seen as the face of this country. The president is a figure whom the whole world is watching. Foreign countries look to the president when thinking about our country and base judgements off of them, which gives them a large amount of power. In conclusion, the president has a huge amount of power, but not as much as people would think.

    ~ Ali Paydar

    1. I agree with you. Of course the president is very important as he is the person who represents the U.S. and the face that people of the world visualize when thinking about America. Obviously, he also has a big power of decision. However, he cannot do whatever he wants, as the powers are divided.

  10. I believe that the president's role in the U.S. is the most important. Even though he does not make all the decisions necessary for our nation on his own, he sure does take the blame for a lot of the decisions that affect our country. That builds up a lot of stress for just one person to handle and due to the fact that he is put up on such a high pedestal makes it almost impossible for him to be considered a normal human being. He is being watched at every second and represents the entire United States when dealing with foreign countries. Overall, he does not do his job all on his own, but he takes all responsibilty for any decision made, whether good or bad, and takes in all the stress along with it making his position in our government very important wehn considering all that he goes through for our nation.

  11. The president is thought to be the a man of great power in political affairs but some would digress with that statement. Although he does not have "complete power," he attempts to take control of the situation for the betterment of society even if all odds are against him. Tremendous stress is put upon the presidents shoulders that makes him age like no other, but other countries see his hard work as an effort to build or weaken relationships with other countries. His work influences revolutions such as the arab spring. The efforts either creates distraction or happiness but he does his best to fix the situation. Eyes are on him every moment for the moment he slips up so others can take advantage of him, however, he deals with his life being publicized. In conclusion, the man of power does not have all power but his positioning as president makes him reliable to all mistakes made in the government even when he is not associated with them. The first thing that pops up into our heads when we talk about America is Obama, the "leader" of our country!

    1. I believe that any presidents job is obviously extemely important. They are the picture of how our country runs and somewhat looks like. He can easily influence many things in other countries and most definately ours. Daniel here provides an interesting look into his eyes, and the eyes of the American people. Our president influences many things, and Daniel provides specific examples that work. This statement is well put by Daniel, and I agree with it.

  12. The president is really important because he is a figurehead of our country. Although he does not hold all of the power when it comes to making decisions in the government, the presidents main source of power comes from his influence. The president is viewed as a leader and his word is always valued by both america and other contries.

    1. I agree with what Sam has said here. The President has a major role in the decisions made in the U.S. I think that the presidents main source of power comes from the media and through the people. The president is also able to influence decisions made in other countries. Which shows that he has a lot of power.

  13. The presidents role is influenced by world events because it shows how much their decisions can effect the country. An example of this is how President Obama handled the most recent hurricane. This is also based on how the media interprets their actions and how the people perceive them.

  14. I believe the role of president is, of course, an important role in society but I don't believe they have as much power as everyone thinks. I believe the United States of America has so many problems and solutions, one man can't fix them all. The title of president is just an idol, someone to look to for answers. But I think the president has to do what the people pulling the strings command him to do.

    1. By the way, Bob Joe is Chris Kato

    2. I think we have the same point of view. There are so many powers that are actually higher than the president itself as they have all the power to change the future of the U.S. The president only represents the public figure for those powers.

  15. I believe that the US President is an important person to society. He is that face of our country and has a lot of social power. On the other he not that powerful within our government. He can't automatically change something he doesn't like and definitely doesn't control everything. The president is an important to our country as a figure, the president is a constant changing symbol.

  16. The president is suppose to be the best that America has to offer to the world. He is a figure head that we as americans look up to and other countries respect. He may not have all the power but he still has a fair amount. The president is suppose to be the voice of the people, he is suppose to represnt the nation in one form. This is why it is so important that when we choose the president, we choose wisely. Anything he/she does, and the choices he/she makes, reflects upon how we see the goverment and how people from other countries see America.

    1. The role of President of the United States is extremely important. The President is responsible for being the primary representative of America to the world. The President works with his party and cabinet to make and enforce policy and progress the country, and is the face of US policy. The President is also greatly responsible for the national unity of the country, bringing all Americans together under a single leader.

  17. I believe the role of the American President is certainly fundamental. On the other side I do not believe his role stops beeing important passed the American border. As the USA influences economically the rest of the world the US president should have at least "a foot" over the oceans to be prepared to face other crisis in the rest of the world, by trying to spread the American democratic model and give freedom to the the citizens of the world

    1. i agree. the president is the most important person because he is the face of the country. being as powerful as the us is that means the president has a lot of power. he also has power in other countries because of the economic power the us has in other countries.

  18. United States is one of the most powerful countries in the world. As a representative of the country precedent's importance is extremely high. Some international problems and issues cannot be solved without USA taking part in that. Often the last word stays after the representatives of the leading countries in the world: USA, UK, Germany, France, Japan, China and Russia.

  19. In my opinion, the role of the US president is key in developing relationships with other countries in terms of trading, in terms of making allies, and simply revolving around each other. For and example, countries around the world have turned to democracy because they see how well democracy has worked in our country, and how (more or less) happy the people are.

  20. The role of our president plays a huge role in this world, as many countries look up to the United States and view us as a primary militaristic, political, and economic superpower in today's world. it is imperative that we have a president who has good negotiation skills as well as one who makes good financial decisions and keeps our economy strong. when our economy is strong, other countries will be more willing to trade with us. a president who is a good negotiator is also important in case this nation were ever in a situation where offenders of this country would need to be dealt with through words instead of military action in order to protect our citizens. an example of this was President John Kennedy's handling of the Cuban missile crisis. thanks to his communication and negotiation skills, he was able to talk the Russian government out of bombing us from Cuba.

  21. President of US is the most influential person globally for world events and politics, because he leads USA, which is the largest economy worldwide, with strong multinational companies and in addition is the biggest military power and has strong political allies, like NATO. USA also has veto right in UN security council, which is the supreme body of the International Organization of the world, together with few other countries , like UK , China and Russia.
